Chapter Seven

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"Wear this," Corla grumbled, throwing a torn white dress toward her servant with a long black cardigan. "Wear black flats and a lot of makeup. Hide a knife or something in your cardigan, just in case he puts up a fight." Corla was pissed off. She was frustrated with every word she had to say to the old bag. She almost wished she wasn't a beast just so she could blend in. And when the servant didn't move away from her sight, she growled deeply to warn her. "We don't have all day!" The servant didn't jump and looked up toward Corla before she quickly changed into her new clothes in front of her. Corla looked away before she could see anything, but for some reason she needed to keep an eye on her until she went to fulfill Corla's plan.

"I don't think a torn up dress will do, dear," the old woman grumbled as politely as she could. "Most of the people that are at or near the castle have perfect clothing." Corla held her breath, trying not to explode. "Do you have a red dress or a black one? Those would work better." Corla closed her eyes now, feeling her anger bubble over.  In a rush, she grabbed a silk white blouse with slick black jeans and threw them toward her servant.

"It's not the ball yet. Wear those. You will pose as a villager who needs to talk to the king desperately. He will come, but with guards. Be careful not to fight until most of the guards leave because you get a tour of the castle when you pay the money that is in your shoes. When there is only one or two guards, knock them both out as quickly as possible or use the knife. Do you understand?" The servant nodded but Corla couldn't see it. She wasn't even looking toward the old bag. Corla raised her eyebrows and waited for the words.

"I understand, dear," the woman replied carefully, even though doubt was running through her veins. "But what happens when I try to take him? Other guards will come."

Corla tried to stay calm, but even the slightest disagreement from her one and only servant made her want to tear the walls apart from around her. "Take him to a village. Say there was a threat there. The guards will take him since he's the king, but right before you get there, get rid of the guards and knock out the king so it's easier for him to be brought here." Corla began looking around the walls, seeing every crack and every discoloured part. She took in a breath and tried to calm herself down before her servant spoke up again.

"What happens if the king isn't allowed to come?"

Corla. snapped. "Tell them the king needs to be there! It's not an impossible game!" Corla glared at her servant, focusing on her face though the servant was still half naked. "When the clocks hit eight o'clock, you leave. Now," Corla said, lowering her head and holding her own beastly hands, "get out of my sight."

The servant stood still for a short while before the words sunk in. The servant nodded, grabbed the rest of the clothes she needed to put on, and went out of Corla's bedroom and out to the hall outside of it. Corla bared her teeth as she watched the old bag walk out without another comment. She clenched her jaw shut after the door was closed. Corla felt the walls vibrate just a bit in front of her before she sat herself down on her bed. She stared at the door for a little while, forgetting about the plan for a few moments.

The blood that was running through her veins was thick. It always thickened on the day of the final transformation.  Her jaw felt sore from her sharp teeth and the growing was still going on. She grumbled about the constant slight pain before she focused her attention on the fur covering her body. It looked soft and almost made Corla distracted when she ran her fingers down her forearm for a split second. She closed her eyes tightly and brought her hand away quickly. She could smell her servant still in the hall, smelling of sweat and old tea. The servant hardly ever showered, which both pleased Corla and frustrated her. She could always smell her servant from a mile away when her transformation was taking place, and it often overwhelmed her senses. Usually she would force the woman to shower before she could smell very well, but she was too caught up in her own plans to even utter those words.

Corla slowly rested herself down in a lying position on her bed. She felt her heart pound inside of her with strong force, letting her thoughts calmly focus on it. The beat stayed the same, keeping it's perfect rest inbetween each beat. Corla almost fell asleep to the sound of it until she shook herself up when her servant knocked gently on the door three times. Corla let out a breath and stood slowly, feeling her muscles ache with every movement. When the moon shows, her pains leave, and the beast takes over.

"Enter," Corla demanded roughly before going through papers stacked up on her bedroom desk. It was scribbled with plans, ones only she could possibly understand. The servant did as she was told and entered, wearing the clothes that Corla forced her to put on. Corla turned and gave a little nod, but nothing more. She wasn't proud of her servant. She just acknowledged her presence and went back to her work.

"Tea?" The servant asked, tilting her head in a way she always did.

"No," Corla growled, turning her entire body to her servant, but it didn't make the lady scared at all. Corla glared at her and looked quickly at the clock, figuring out the time. "Five hours," Corla whispered, full hatred under her voice. "Go now. Wear this chip so I can hear what's going on." Corla clipped in a chip on the inside of the white blouse, hiding it behind the double layered pocket. The servant nodded and left the room, going to do her demand. Corla was going to get her revenge.


Hey guys! So I was WAS planning to do one chapter a day but I guess today's a bonus because it's the day after Valentine's Day!

So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and as always...


And follow me if you haven't already!

Peace out Secrets and God bless you all!


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