Chapter Fourteen

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"What could she have possibly done, dad?" Vincent said in a loud voice as he slammed his fist on the king's desk. "She wasn't an evil witch sent from wherever they are sent from." Vincent shook his head in a disapproving way. "You always do stuff like this."

"Like what, Vincent? Save people from being killed everywhere in this castle?" The king rose his voice and glared at his son as he stood from his chair. "She stabbed one of my guards, Vincent. What do you think I was going to do?"

"Now you're making up things. You do that every single time I see you." Vincent glared back at his father. "Vincent, you never were good to the people. Oh, Vincent, your guard must be punished because he nearly killed me." Vincent crossed his arms before continuing. "To be frank, father, you could care less about me."

"I'm trying, Vincent! I'm trying as much as I can! Nothing I do is good enough for you, apparently. If I hug one of the citizens, you don't even notice. If I try to make an effort, you take it as a sin. What do you want me to do?" The king clenched his jaw, then unclenched it before he clenched it again. His eyebrows narrowed a little bit, but his eyes were breaking from the emotionless glass he kept to hide whatever was going on in his mind.

"To bring back my mother," Vincent said in a quieter voice, and when the king took a step back in shock, the prince continued. "To show your citizens some love again," there was a pause, "to show me some love again." Vincent bit his lower lip to keep the tears from falling. "You never even tell me that you care about me. You never make an effort to talk to me or to see how I'm feeling." Vincent closed his eyes tightly before he gently placed one of his hands on his father's desk. "You never even ask me how I felt when you didn't let me see my mother for the last time. You locked me out of the funeral." A tear slowly fell down his cheek, but once he felt it by his nose, he quickly wiped it away and opened his eyes. "You could care less about me."

"That's not true," his father said sternly, but when Vincent looked toward him, his eyes were watery. Vincent clenched his jaw before he interupted.

"It's the only thing that makes sense! You don't even glance at me when I'm around. You only spare me attention you come to see me. Most days I'm like a lost ghost to you." Vincent took a sharp breath. "You'd get rid of me if you could. You probably wish I was the one assassinated rather than my mother."

"Vincent!" His father roared. Vincent just stood still and shook his head at his father. The prince clenched his fist and blinked the tears away quickly. "It's hard losing someone," he said quietly before he straightened. "I didn't know what else to tell you. If I said the wrong thing, you'd get set off. If I knocked on your door, your guard would say you didn't want to see me. If I passed you in the hallway, you would turn and avoid me." The king had tears running down his face as he rose his voice. "If your mother was killed, I was scared you would be too." The king clenched his jaw tightly and looked away before closing his eyes and continuing. "I thought you wanted me out of your life. I failed you, and your mother when I didn't save her."

"Why didn't you let me see her for one last time?" Vincent yelled powerfully. "She was my mother! I wanted to see her again!" Tears were bursting from his eyes at this point. "All I got to see was the blood stained floor!" Vincent grinned sadly before he ran both of his hands down his face.

"I'm sorry!" The king said loudly, drowning in his own tears. "I'm sorry," he said weakly. "All I wanted to say was that I'm sorry."

"That doesn't cut it, Your Highness." Vincent clenched his jaw and balled both of his fists on his sides. "When she was killed, so was I. And you could care less about that. All you've ever cared for was my mother."

"I loved you more than I could have ever loved her!" The king screamed as loudly as he could. He began to breathe heavily once he saw Vincent's face change from anger to every emotion possible. "When she died," he nearly whispered, "I knew I lost you too somehow, and in a way I couldn't get you back unless I gave you space."

"I didn't need space," Vincent started, "I needed a father. Someone who was there for me when I needed them." He took in a breath and closed his eyes gently. "She was my mother," he whispered. 

"And you are my son," his father said quietly and took a cautious step toward his son who didn't notice due to his shut eyes. "I love you more than you could ever know."

Vincent shot his eyes open and quickly wiped his face dry with his hands before he gave a little glare to his father. "Right now, I don't know anything about your love." Vincent let the words float into the king's pores before swiftly opening the door behind him and walked out without a glance back to his father.

"Are you okay, Your Highness?" Vincent's guard said with some concern as he joined him in a quick paced walk. "You two were yelling quite a bit."

"I'm fine, Mace," Vincent mumbled as he walked. "I think I need some time outside."

"Of course, Your Highness. Just remember that the ball is tomorrow." The guard save a worried smile but when Vincent didn't even look toward him, he wiped it off of his face.

"I don't care about the ball. It's a complete waste of time. I don't even have a partner so I'll just let the king kick me out." Vincent huffed out some air.

"I won't let that happen, Your Highness. Who knows, maybe you'll find the person girl." The guard offered another smile, but it wasn't returned. Instead, the prince just scoffed and walked the rest of the way to the front door by the ballroom in silence.


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Peace out Secrets and God bless you all!


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