Chapter Twenty One

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"What are you doing out of the castle?" The servant asked, sounding stern but as polite as she could. Corla scoffed at the fact the woman could never show much anger toward her. Corla could handle it if the servant ever did. "You know what could happen out here." The older woman looked even more aged than usual. Corla looked at her for a moment before shaking her head quickly. 

"That doesn't matter right now. All I need you to know is that I will be going to the ball tomorrow and that I will get you out of her at midnight sharp. Be ready. I'll try to get the king if I can, but if I can't, we need to work together." Corla took a breath from whispering so quiet. She lowered herself onto her knees so she could be leveled with her servant, who was sitting on a mini stool.

"Dear," the servant said softly, giving Corla a feeling that it would be best not to interupt. "You know that rose that has been dying lately?" Corla nodded very slowly, not able to speak physically. "Well, I had to make that do what it is in order to protect you all of these years. But at midnight last night, it started wilting. I felt it, and I also planned it. The spell only lasted this long." Corla's eyebrows lowered just a bit but she listened nevertheless. "Corla," the servant whispered softly, making sure only she could hear. "The only way that you can save that flower and yourself is by falling in love." Corla made a face just as the servant's face turned into confusion. "Or was it to kill someone you hate?"

"I'm not falling in love," Corla whispered bitterly, trying to sound convincing not only to her servant, but to herself. It had been years since she saw a living human, and seeing so many made her feel light headed. "But I can kill anyone easily."

"Corla," the servant growled in a whisper. "I got them mixed up." The older lady took a breath and brought herself just a bit closer to the bars. "You need to fall in love. If that rose wilts and dies completely, you'll either be the beast forever and have no control, or die."

"I've never had control when I was the beast," Corla responded.

"That's not the point, Corla. This is dangerous. If that rose dies, so do you. You don't even know what you will do." The servant took a shuddering breath in. "You need to do as I say. You don't have much time either. You have until the next full moon."

"So a month?" Corla asked, feeling her hands get suddenly cold. It could have been from the stony walls, but it most likely because of her nerves.

"Yes, but keep in mind you start transforming around the quarter of the moon." The servant had a frown curling down on her lips. "You need to do this, Corla. Please." The servant paused for a moment before whispering so quiet, "You won't have to be the beast anymore."

"But-" Corla was interupted by the guard a few cells away from her.

"Time to go, miss. It's getting late and the king will be upset if I am any later to his side." Corla nodded quickly and stood, giving a little glare to her servant before walking off and meeting back up with the prince.

"How was it?" He asked with a gentle voice before he yawned tiredly.

"As good as it could ever be," she whispered back, feeling her lungs tighten as well as her throat. She couldn't fall in love, it was impossible. She couldn't love anyone even if she wanted to.

"I guess that sounds alright, then," the prince whispered back and smiled tiredly toward her. "Here, I'll lead you to your guest room so you can get some sleep. You look exhausted, you know that?" Corla shrugged and yawned as she followed the prince down a few halls before he opened a door for her to enter. She couldn't remember if he knocked first or just opened it. She could hardly feel her legs move as she walked into the room. She didn't notice the prince's arm around her shoulder after she nearly tripped. She couldn't even feel him tucking her in as he yawned countless times. All she remembered was falling asleep in the most comfortable bed she'd ever relaxed on.


Too many chapters in one day...

I think I feel my brain melting...

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Peace out Secrets and God bless you all!


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