Chapter Fifteen

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Corla bolted through the trees of the forest that surrounded the castle she had been trapped in for years. Every step she took, she felt electricity run up her legs quickly, which only made her run faster. The screams weren't there, which calmed the girl down because she didn't have to worry about covering her ears. She had black flats covering the bottom of her feet and toes, and though they kept trying to fall off, they never fully did. The adrenaline inside of her was like a raging fire and the only thing that fueled it was the electricity volts she felt travel underneath her skin.

But as she ran, her plan was changing. She could either kidnap the king, like her original plan, or the prince. If she got the king, it could lure in the prince and she could torture his father the way she had been planning; the same way he tortured her parents. But if she took the prince, she would have to be fearless to show him the beast she was and what could happen if he took a wrong step. The main point of the plan was to show them what it would feel like if they went through what she went through.

Corla wished she could smell things from miles away like she could when she was the beast. But all she could smell was the weird pine around her. She had never smelt it before and whenever she took a breath in, she felt like she was going to sneeze. She quickly shook off her thoughts as she saw a village come closer to her vision. She wanted to smile but instead she slowed down from her run and speed walked. She looked around and was grateful she wasn't blocked in by trees, but rather welcomed by the blue sky above her with the small little fluffy clouds. She could still see the faint moon in the corner from the night. She took a breath out, calm now that she was away from locked doors.

"I can't believe that I got an invitation to the ball!" A girl in the distance said with a little squeal. Corla both wanted to smile and scoff from what she just heard, but stayed with her normal face instead. Her breathing was heavy, but she could still feel energy inside of her run through her veins. Plus, it didn't hurt when everytime she took another step, electricity ran through her body. It was almost like she was used to it.

"I know right? I don't even know what kind of dress I have that I could wear." The other girl said and quickly scrambled inside after a second of realizing the words she had just said. Corla couldn't help but grin before she was stopped by a woman with grey streaks in her short brown hair.

"Do you mind helping me bring this couch to the dumpsters? I've been trying to find someone to help but no one will." The woman smiled with pleading eyes. Corla looked toward the couch and breathed in a bit of air. She knew she had to find the Royal Castle soon, but maybe she could use this to her advantage. 

"Sure, but after could you help me find the castle? I'm not sure where it is from here. My friend and I were playing a game and I think I ran a little too far." Corla gave a sheepish smile and laugh as she looked back toward the woman. The woman just smiled in return and gave a little chuckle lightly.

"That's no problem. I could walk you there after this because I have to make a delivery anyway." The woman replied with a soft smile before walking toward the couch. Corla followed close behind the woman with cautious steps. "The couch is kind of heavy, just to warn you. We had to get rid of it because little rascals decided to go into the cushions." The woman spoke over her shoulder before gripping one of the sides of the couch.

"That must have been a pain," Corla replied while she gripped her side tightly. The woman nodded with a smile.

"Okay, so let's lift it up in three, two, one," the woman hoisted her side into the air with minimal issue, as well did Corla. Corla nearly smiled at the feeling of carrying something like this. "This is much easier with you helping,"  the woman said with relief. There was a bit of silence before the woman piped up again. "Turn to your left. Be careful about the little drop there." Corla took a cautious step to dodge the little drop and took a few steps back before gently dropping her end. "And there we are," the woman said as she brought herself up from putting down her side. "Thank you so much for the help. I could have been stuck for the next few hours if you didn't come."

"It's no problem," Corla said with ease as she walked closer toward the woman, still feeling the chills and electricity running through her skin. "What kind of delivery do you need to take to the Royal Castle?"

The woman smiled as she walked side by side with Corla back to the village. "Some of it is rejected and accepted invites to the ball and some are food deliveries for the ball and just stuff like that." The woman took a breath out as she glanced toward the girl. "Will you be going to the ball?"

Corla bit her bottom lip for a second, fumbling with words before she found the right ones. "I actually lost my invite. I was planning on going but I think either it was lost in the mail or my aunt threw it out."

"Oh, that's too bad. Maybe when we get to the castle we can get the king or the prince to give you one." The woman offered a wink before she went inside her little cabin house to retrieve some boxes. She handed Corla a big box full of letters and invitations. Corla held onto it without an issue as she stood waiting for the woman to come out with her box of fruit. "Ready to go?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Corla mumbled and began her journey to the castle with a woman she hardly even knew.


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Peace out Secrets and God bless you all!


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