Chapter Twenty Three

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Corla had been awake for at least two hours. She was pacing the guest room as she bit her short nails quickly. She felt the electricity race through her body as she took each step. For some odd reason, it wasn't bothering her anymore. She had been through much worse because of the transformations, but this felt like complete adrenaline being loaded into her system, though she was still half awake. She could feel her hair stick up messily but not unbearably. She'd be able to brush through it easily if she had a brush to use. There was none anywhere in the spare room so she gave up trying to find one and decided just to use her fingers. In the end, it worked better than nothing.

Then there was the triple knock at the door. Without realizing it, she first thought it was her servant. "Come in," she said quickly as she sat on her bed. Right after the words came out of her mouth, the door opened and she noticed that it wasn't the servant at all, but the prince himself. Corla tilted her head in curiousity before he explained himself.

"I'm sorry for such the little notice, My Lady-"

"Just call me Corla," she corrected before he nodded and continued.

"Corla. I was just wondering if you'd like to be my partner to the ball."

"Today's ball?" She asked, feeling the electricity move through her body

"Today's ball," he said without question.

"At seven o'clock?" Corla asked quieter.

"Seven o'clock," he repeated after her.

"And I have to wear a dress?" She asked, looking more lost than she had at the beginning of the conversation. Corla even felt unlike herself which frustrated her. Why was being a human so difficult for her when she was born one?

"Yes, but if you don't have one, we can get you to try some on." The prince said quickly, suddenly shocked that he hadn't thought of it sooner.

"But I don't know how to dance," she whispered as she watched the prince enter the room completely and go through the dressers before he went into the walk in closet. Corla watched, amazed to realize she hadn't even noticed the closet.

"Neither do I," he admitted before showing a dress to her. Corla shook her head almost immediately when she saw just how skin tight it looked. She nearly wanted to pretend to barf to add on but decided against it. "We'll figure out together."

"But won't the king be upset that I-"

"It doesn't matter what he thinks, My-"

"Corla," the girl interupted the prince yet again.

"Right, sorry." The prince cleared his throat as he showed another dress. Corla thought longer about it but still shook her head. "Anyways, it doesn't matter what he thinks. He will be too busy guiding our guests through the waltz."

"Gross," Corla muttered and fell onto her bed without a care about it. "Why do people even dance?"

"I don't know. It's a freedom to some people." The prince whistled to get her attention, it seemed to work well. Corla shook her head again and brought her attention back to the ceiling. "My mother was the best."

"So was my father," Corla added and let out a breath. "So I have to dance in front of actual people?"

"As real as you and me," he said quickly before whistling again. Corla sighed and looked over to see a dress made of a light blue silk and lace. She sat up slowly and nearly glared at it, but instead smiled. She nodded very slowly. "We have a winner!" The prince said with pride before he brought the dress out of the closet and gently placed it sideways on the bed. "I would say try it on but I'm pretty sure it will fit you. Plus it's apparently against the rules to see your partner before the ball."

"Wait, is that a real thing?" Corla questioned before shaking her head to herself.

"Yeah. It's like that at weddings too. The groom can't see his bride before the ceremony." The prince said as he leaned his back on the closed bedroom door.

"That poor groom," she shook her head as she glanced at him after staring down at the dress. "I mean, who wouldn't want to see the woman in this dress?" Corla nearly laughed at what she said.

"I'd be dying to see you wearing it but it's against the rules," the prince said, interupting her thoughts.

"I guess you have to be patient," she said jokingly as she glanced back at him. "But can we read some more of that Alex-"

"Alice," the prince corrected quickly than she had expected.

"Right. Alice book? We ended off with a cliffhanger since you fell asleep." Corla grinned.

"You were falling asleep too," the prince added as a smirk curled on his lips. "But I think we have some free time so yeah, let's go see what happened to her in Wonderland."




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