Chapter Twenty Two

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Vincent woke up the next morning to his guard above him. He was soaking wet from getting water poured all over him. "Mace!" The prince yelled, sitting up in a bolt to find his entire bed soaked. "What the-"

"Don't even say a word, Your Highness," the guard said, standing beside the bed and making sure not to touch it so he wouldn't ruin his uniform. "Who was that girl that you allowed to stay here? What was her name?" The prince sighed in response. "The king needs answers, Your Highness."

"If he needed to know so badly, why didn't he ask me himself?" He breathed out before he peeled his comforter off of himself. "Besides, I think that's the least of his worries. Today's the ball." Vincent said it so blankly until his eyes got wide. "Today's the ball," he repeated, and then after a second, he groaned. He was most definetly not in the mood to dance with hundreds of different girls.

"Exactly, and you probably don't even have a partner," the guard said with frustration before his face calmed. He quickly added, "Your Highness."

"Fine," Vincent said, feeling his eyes blink shut slowly before he reopened them. "I'll find a partner."

"You have to choose from your father's selection, Your Highness. He gave them to you for a reason. You know how he is. You are his son, after all."

Vincent turned to face his guard as his blood boiled inside of him. He clenched his fists and nearly glared at him. "He can't tell me what to do anymore, Mace." The prince thought quickly of all the ways he could turn his father's plan against him. If he said he chose the perfect girl, the prince would think it was one of the girls he picked. But in reality, it would be Corla. He bit his tongue for a minute as he thought it through. She wasn't the worst person he could choose. She'd only need a dress and the smallest amount of makeup. "Corla is going to be my date."

"Who's Corla?" He asked with a stubbornness that made the prince ball his fists again. "Is she that girl that decided to stay the night?" The guard clenched his jaw as he shook his head. "You know the king will not approve."

"Does it really matter what he approves of, Mace?" The prince said with forced calmness in a deep voice. "Besides, she's the only one I've even got close to knowing." The guard continued to shake his head. "Stop looking down at me!" Vincent finally said in a stern voice as he glared at his guard. "I'm sick and tired of this. You always follow the king's order even though you should be standing beside me!" The prince took a breath and looked briefly away from his guard. "You know what? Get out. I'm tired of this." Vincent turned away from his guard and took out the suit he was supposed to wear for the ball.

"Your Highness, you can't-"

"Get out, Mace." Vincent said coldly as he continued to avoid looking toward him. The guard let all the air in his lungs escape before his sharp footsteps slowly made their way toward the door, through it, before it was slammed shut. Vincent let out a breath as he closed his eyes. Then he shook his head quickly and changed from his soaked pajamas into a black short sleeved shirt with grey jeans. It seemed like one of his normal outfits, if he wasn't always forced to wear suits.

And then he headed out of his room to get to Corla's.


I know I know I know...

The chapters are SO short...

But that's okay because it just makes this story longer!

I hope you enjoyed and if you did, please vote...

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Peace out Secrets and God bless you all!


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