Chapter Sixteen

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Vincent walked down the stone path that lead to many different villages around the castle. He had went down each of them many times in his lifetime but he had one village he wanted to go to since it was the farthest away from the castle. It was right by a forest that he loved to sit in and think, which wasn't the worst thing that he could do. His guard was close beside him as she walked down the path, feeling the breeze blow against his face. "Do you think I said the right things?"

"I think you said the best you could have, Your Highness," replied the guard in his usual calm voice, but was professional at the same time.

"I feel like I could have played it differently," the prince added, guilt circling his mind.

"So could've your father, but I think you both took a step to getting somewhere." The guard said, walking with purpose as he held his own hands behind his back tightly. "As they say, it always gets worse before it gets better." All the prince could do in response was roll his eyes before he noticed in the distance two characters carrying big boxes in their arms.

"They still have some way to get to the castle," Vincent mumbled as he walked a little quickly toward the two of them. "Maybe half a mile." The prince looked quickly toward his guard before focusing back on the two figures. "It must be the deliveries."

"Do you think we should help them?" The guard asked, following the prince as if the answer were already a yes.

"Of course," Vincent said easily as he walked quicker next to his guard. "If I'm going to be king someday, then I must show my people that they can count on me whenever they need." Vincent huffed in some hair as he saw the figures a near foot ball field away. One was a dark brown haired girl, while the other had lighter brown. It was only twenty steps away when Vincent decided to speak up. "Do you two need any help with anything?" The woman smiled brightly while the younger one gave an easy friendly smile.

"I think we'll be good, Your Highness. These boxes aren't so heavy." The woman said and a tinge of laughter followed her words. Corla nearly laughed at that but held it in and decided to keep her smile. She slowed down next to the woman since the prince was getting closer and stopping himself as well.

The prince smirked, "Your arms are shaking quite a bit, mam." He glanced toward Corla and smiled warmly. "What's inside the box?"

"Oh, just-" but the woman interupted Corla's reply.

"Denied invitations, actually. I can't believe so many citizens didn't want to come." The woman frowned a little before the same smile curled on her lips. Corla closed her mouth and bit the inside of her lip, not glancing toward the woman even in the slightest. The prince's smile seemed to have weakened as he looked toward the woman who responded for Corla.

"Some citizens are quite busy. I think some of them are using it as a day to relax instead of dancing all night long." The prince smiled softly, but his eyes were quite tired. "What are your names?"

"I'm Quinn Reels, Your Highness," the woman said with power. The prince smiled toward her, noticing how many confident people were living in the villages. It was good to see them like that, but they seemed to always use that as a way to impress him. He turned his gaze toward brown haired girl.

"I'm Corla," she said easily. The prince smiled at the responce and bowed his head.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." Vincent smiled when he brought up his head. "Now let me help with these boxes." He walked toward Corla and gently slid the box out of her arms and into his own. "Better?" Corla nodded in reply as a kind smile curled on her lips. He smiled back and looked toward his guard quickly. His guard nodded in return before he walked toward the woman and grabbed her box.

And then all four of them were headed toward the castle. Vincent walked beside Corla while she walked beside the woman, who had given the box to the prince's guard and who was always walking on her only empty side. 


Hey's a chapter!!!

I hope you enjoy! If you did, please

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Peace out Secrets and God bless you all!


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