Chapter Twenty Four

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There the prince was, standing in front of the polished and cleaned ballroom that filled with wonderfully dressed guests as he fixed the black blazer that he carefully put on earlier. His shoes felt a little too tight and his white shirt underneath the jacket felt too silky for his liking, though he had grown up wearing clothes like it. His father didn't like him wearing normal clothes around the citizens, which Vincent didn't care for at first, but now hated more than anything.

Everyone in the crowd looked boring to his eyes. Most women wore black or white dresses, while the men wore silver, red or black suits. Vincent even spotted two men with top hats on, which curled his lips up in a small smirk. It was always nice to find some people out of the ordinary. At least for him, anyway.

The ballroom smelt strongly of vanilla and some sort of perfume. Vincent crinkled his nose at the smell but quickly put on a neutral face once one of the guests glanced toward him with confusion. He shrugged as he watched the citizen nod before walking away. Vincent fixed his tux quickly as he watched as some more guests entered the ballroom. The violin's piercing song echoed through out the entire castle, which was like some sort of hypnotizing spell being forced into every single guest that walked into the palace. Vincent gave faint smiles to every guest that walked through the front door, until he spotted a light blue in the corner of his eye. 

He was standing in the middle of the ballroom, surrounded by people who were gathering around in little groups talking, as he watched the girl with the blue dress go down the steps that led upstairs. Vincent gave a small smile as he walked through the crowd to get to her, and once he got to the first step, she was already there. "My lady," he said with a soft voice and a grin. 

"It's Corla," the girl replied back with a little grin of her own, though she was rather annoyed with being called all the fancy names. Her eyes wandered around the ballroom for a second before they fell onto the prince once more. 

"Care to dance?" Vincent asked smoothly as he offered one of his hands to the stunning girl in front of her. Her eyes were a shocking ray of blues and grays, which made Vincent slightly nervous whenever he looked into them. She was not like most of the girls he had met, which was odd to say in the least considering every woman he met would throw themselves at him without much thought. But Corla was different. She'd look at him as if he were a normal person and she'd talk to him as if they were at the beginning stages of being friends. To put in simple words, Vincent was attracted to the fair maiden who had taken his hand seconds after he offered it. 

"Even though these shoes are going to be the death of me," Corla paused and both Vincent and her looked down to her light crystal high heels that one of the castle's servants brought her, "I'd love to dance." Vincent looked up to see her face and smiled at it before he led her to the center of the ballroom. Guests parted and stood at a distance to watch the young couple dance, and Vincent could almost guarantee that most of the females there were either envious or frustrated that he didn't pick them instead. 

"Here," Vincent said softly as he put one of his hands on Corla's waist and the other in one of her hands. "Put your other hand around my neck," he said quietly. Corla hesitated but did as she was told before she was pulled slightly forward so that her chest was an inch away from his. "And then, we do some weird stuff with our feet," he said quietly as he took a step back, which forced Corla to take a step forward. Vincent looked down to the girl and offered a little smirk as he took another step. He had practiced this dance every year, but somehow, he'd always fail at doing it. His father never liked it when he messed up, but Vincent could never stop. 

"Are we actually doing it?" Corla asked with a small smile as she looked down toward her feet, but couldn't see them as Vincent brought her closer to him. She brought her gaze up and her eyes locked onto the Prince's as they continued to dance, following the plucks of the piano and the eerie notes from the violin. 

"I'd say we are," Vincent said quietly as a small smile bit at his lips without him noticing. 


Hey guys! I'm so sorry for this short chapter...

I feel like all of these chapters are incredibly short but here's another little bit of the story after a while on hold!

The updates will be later than some of the other stories that I'm currently working on but I think that's okay!

If any of you have any predictions on what's going to happen next, put it in the comments!

Also, if you enjoyed this chapter, please vote...

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Peace out Secrets and God bless you all!


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