Chapter Twenty

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The halls felt almost completely empty. Vincent didn't even know what time it was until he glanced at the clock on his wrist. Twenty six minutes passed midnight. No wonder why only some of the servant's were here and awake. Vincent nodded and said hello to each and every one of the workers and even smiled, though he tried so hard not to yawn in his acts. Corla watched him and it almost made him feel pleased that he was entertaining her.

It didn't take long for the prince to get lost, though. The only things he really knew around the castle was the guest rooms, his own, the ballroom and his father's area. He took a breath and looked toward Corla. "I'm going to go get us a guard to take us to the dungeon." Corla raised her eyebrows, which made her eyes just slightly bigger than what they normally were.

"We're lost, aren't we?" Corla asked quietly as she looked around and spotted a woman wearing the same uniform Vincent's guard had on. She glanced toward Vincent and then back to the woman and swiftly walked over to her. "Hi," Corla started and gulped before she composed herself as quickly as she could. "I was just wondering if you could take us to the dungeon?"

The woman narrowed her eyes at the girl until Vincent stepped in. "Stef, it's important. Her aunt is in one of the cells." The woman looked toward the prince and gave a little look before she rose her shoulders and dropped them again.

"Can't do that, Your Highness."

"You need to, Stef. Her aunt is the only person she has. I need you to take us there now. It's important." The prince was starting to wake up and feel adrenaline. And when the guard sharply opened her mouth, Vincent butted in. "This is not a game. This is an order. My father may be the head of the castle, but I will be the king one day and I need to go down there." The guard's face didn't change a bit but her hands loosened from their tight hold on one another.

"Follow me," she muttered and regret crossed her face as she turned quickly and began to march off down the hall Vincent and Corla just walked down. The two of them did as they were told and followed the guard down the hall, then down a large stony staircase. Then they followed her though a metallic door that needed the longest password. "I'll wait here." The guard looked at Corla with hawk eyes. "Wait." The guard made a weird gesture that made Corla tilt her head before the guard's hands started patting her down.

"Hey!" Corla said with a human growl and jumped away from her hands. She took a deep breath and started patting herself down in the same places the guard did. "Was that necessary?"

"I'm just checking for weapons, miss. I'll need to pat you down." The guard took another step toward the girl and though Corla wanted to jump back again, she stayed still, clenching her fists in the air when the guard rose them for her. "Your clean," the guard muttered with frustration before she backed away from Corla. 

"I better be," Corla grumbled and walked down the hall to find the cell with her aunt in it. Vincent stayed with her, following her footsteps to a point.

And then there she was. Her face had scratches everywhere and dried blood was under her nose. "Corla?" The woman asked as a stern smile curled on her face. "What are you-"

"There's no time for explanations. I only have a few minutes." Corla took a breath and looked at the prince. "Is it okay if we have some privacy?" The prince raised one of his eyebrows just slightly before giving a little nod and slowly walked toward the guard.





*scratches back of neck*


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Peace out Secrets and God bless you all!


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