Chapter Thirteen

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"Lock her in the dungeon!"

Corla jumped back a little bit as she made her way toward her computer room. She wanted to slap herself because she hadn't even checked in with her servant, besides when she shooed her out of the castle. She grunted as she heard the conversation.

"She cut me!" A man yelled loudly before he grunted. Then a loud thud boomed through Corla's ears, and she didn't even have to think of who it could've been. It could only be that loud if her servant had fallen. Corla growled deeply before she stormed out of the computer room and up the ratted stairs.

"You never do anything right!" She screamed so loud that her words bounced off the walls and back at her. She looked toward her flower yet again and gave a glare before she stormed up toward her bedroom. "Fine. I guess I have to do it myself." Corla slammed her door shut before she plopped herself on her bed. Tomorrow she would go through the recordings of what her servant had said to find out what she could use before she escaped.

She had to get out of this place.


The next morning, Courla felt naked. She felt cold, empty and vulnerable. Quickly, she shook her head and stood from her bed to look in the mirror beside her door. And staring right back at her was a teenage girl with messy hair. She closed her eyes and let out a soft breath before she turned her back to the mirror and walked toward her dresser. She picked out a white shirt with grey jeans, as well as her old black shoes she had worn for a few months when she turned fourteen. It was back when she was just getting used to her powers.

She tore off her baggy clothes and pulled the new ones onto her body. The jeans felt tighter than she remembered but it didn't bother her. She felt more confident without the extra fabric. Her shirt felt like it was a half size too big for her, but she was fine with that. She grabbed an elastic after she pulled her shoes on her sock covered feet and forced all of her hair into it. She brushed out the small knots with her fingers, hoping it would pass as acceptable.

But then she remembered about what happened yesterday. She had tried to go out into the world and all around her, people were screaming, even though no one was around. She remembered the electricity she felt on her feet and in her body. Corla gulped before she walked back to the mirror and looked at herself once more. To her eyes, she looked beautiful. She sometimes forgot how nice it was to feel comfortable in her own skin. As a beast, she tried to force herself to be confident, and even though she never wanted to admit it, she never got used to being the beast she would be.

Then she sighed and walked out of her bedroom. She opened her mouth in order to call for her servant, but she remembered the older woman wasn't there with her anymore. Corla closed her eyes and covered her eyes with her hands to calm herself down before she began walking again. She focused on her calm heartbeat as she walked down the stairs and toward her computer room underground. It was like a second home to her most days, but she almost felt like avoiding it today.

When she got there though, she felt empty. She looked around the room and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Then she sat herself on a desk chair with wheels and went onto her computer to see what happened the day before with her servant. Before she could even press play, the servant's voice played throughout her private room.

"How old must your partner be, Your Highness?" Corla gulped, curious about his answer. She didn't want to admit it, but she was almost interested in the prince.

"Around seventeen, perhaps." Corla couldn't feel the light smile curl on her lips. She shook it off quickly once she felt her cheeks rise, and then skipped over the rest of the conversation onto another one.

"Are you planning on going to the ball?" Corla heard the prince ask. She began biting the tip of her index finger as she paid attention to the conversation.

"I was hoping to anyways. The past few years have been hectic. You know how children are."  There was a pause. "My niece may even come visit this year. She's around sixteen now, I suppose. She's very excitable."  Corla blinked  at the screen that was remaining black. Her breath was soft but it stopped as she focused on the conversation.

"What is she like?" The prince asked after giving a second of silence to make sure the servant was done speaking. Corla focused as much as she could as she began biting her nails.

"She's very elaborate, I must say. She always plans thououghly, even though she doesn't know what could happen." There was another pause. "And though she can be pushy and annoying sometimes, she's one of the most amazing girls I know."  Corla smiled, feeling slightly bashful knowing the servant was talking about her.

"You must love your family. I would too if I were apart of it." Corla tried not to smile.

"Well, let's just say she's a bit of a daredevil. The grandkids are better with people and stuff like that." Corla ripped off the rest of the tip of her index finger nail and spit it onto the floor beside her.

"There's nothing wrong with a little edge to a person." The prince said, and Corla breathed in the air smoothly. She felt almost a little better about how she acted when she was the beast.

She listened to the rest of the conversations and when she finished, she turned it off and went up the stairs to the ballroom. She looked around before her eyes stopped on the rose. "I'll save you," Corla whispered before she hurried to the front entrance and paused before she opened the doors widely. In front of her was what she saw the previous day. There were fresh flowers everywhere, none of them wilting. But there were no roses. Corla let out a breath quickly before she noticed the black metalic gate at the end of the path, shining under the sunlight. If she wanted to do what she was thinking, she'd have to go now.


Hey guys! I have nothing really to say about this except for the fact that I am uploading chapters every day or every second day for this story until I get to chapter 20 so...enjoy the ride!

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Peace out Secrets and God bless you all!


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