Chapter Twelve

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"And that's the castle," the king said half heartedly as he finally brought his attention to the servant. "Do you have any questions?"

"Actually yes, I do." The woman responded with ease. She tried to come off as a little shy but she wasn't sure if that part was working or effective. "I was wondering if there was a way I could be one of the royal guards. Like would there be papers I'd have to fill out or tests?"

The king gave a noticeable gulp before he offered a little nod. "You'd have to fill out paper work and be at work tomorrow. Because it's the ball in two days time, I will really need more guards to protect the castle." The king almost smiled at his own royal words. The prince could have easily seen the selfishness in his face is he had glanced toward his father. "How about we go to my office and we'll see what we can do." The king let her have a small smile, but it only lasted a second before his face went neutral.

"Okay," the servant agreed and gave a wave to the prince as the king walked her off toward his office. "It was nice meeting you, Your Highness."

"The pleasure is all mine," the prince spoke back with a friendly smile. Then he stood alone next to his guard as he watched the two walk down the hall to the office Vincent tried to sway clear of. "She seemed lovely," he spoke quietly toward his guard, who nodded in return. "Well then," Vincent mumbled, turning and began to make his way back to the ballroom. "We should practice."

"Indeed we should, Your Highness." The guard followed like he usually did.

"Before you ask, no I do not have a partner yet." The prince said quietly as he stepped onto the marbled floors of the ballroom.

"The ball is in two days, Your Highness. You're running out of time." The prince tried to hold back a sarcastic response as he crossed his arms in reply to his guard's words.

"Mace," Vinent began, clearly frustrated. "When the right girl comes, I'll have my partner. Right now, no one is right." The prince turned from his guard and stood at the center of the ballroom.

"Well they can't all be left, Your Highness." The prince held back a laugh before a song played off in the ballroom. Vincent rolled his eyes, annoyed with how many times they've been over the dance for this song. "Take a step to the right, not the left," his guard pointed out, walking around the prince slowly. "Pretend to hold a girl's waist, Your Highness."

"I'm dancing with air, Mace." The prince said before a laugh escaped his mouth "I can't just place a hand on an imaginary girl."

"I'm sure everyone does it sometime in their life. Maybe you already have your perfect girl in your head." The guard offered a wink before he continued to watch the prince dance. "Take one step back instead of two."

The prince sighed before he replied. "Oh yes, of course I have the perfect girl in my mind." The prince played along with his thoughts from what his guard had said. "Unbrushed hair, no shiny teeth, not the greatest style of clothes, and oh, the best personality." The prince nearly smiled from the words he said.

"Whoever that may be, she sounds lovely. But I don't think your father would be pleased with a girl like her." His guard said while he bit his lip. "Two steps to the left and one ahead." The prince did as he was told.

"Doesn't matter what the king thinks, Mace. If I'm dancing, I'll be dancing with my girl, not his." He gulped and stopped dancing. "I mean, what's stopping me from finding her?"

But right as the last word rolled off of his tongue, a sharp scream echoed off the walls. It was followed shortly by the king's loud booming voice.

"Lock her in the dungeon!"

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