Chapter Eighteen

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It didn't take the group long to get into the castle. The woman decided she had to go back to her village to get some other things done so it was just the guard, Vincent and Corla left. The guard didn't seem overly protective as he would have been, which almost shocked Vincent. The prince showed Corla around the ballroom and described all of the art work on the walls and some of the marbled tiles beneath their feet.

"That painting right there was my mother's. She had painted it before she was killed so we decided to put it on display." The prince looked at the painting before glancing toward the girl, staring skeptically at the painting. "Did you like the queen?" He asked curiously.

"I've never actually seen her in person but from what I heard, she was very over the top with some things." The prince expected a little smile to curl on her lips but it stayed in the same straight line it did when he showed her the painting. He frowned a little but gave a nod never the less.

"She was in some cases, I suppose. She wanted too much power in too many ways." Vincent let out a breath as he remembered the several times she brought in innocent people just to kill them later on. He shook it off and turned toward Corla once more. "Would you like to continue?" Corla looked toward him slowly and gave a light smile as she nodded. Vincent gave a smile back, though he knew something was off about her.

"Where to next?" Corla asked in a small voice as she walked side by side with Vincent.

"It's a surprise," Vincent said easily as he gently grabbed onto her hand and led her toward large double doors in a center of an empty hallway. He let go of her hand slowly and turned toward her. "Close your eyes," he whispered as he looked around, making sure no one was going to watch him. Corla raised an eyebrow with distrust before she reluctantly closed her eyes and offered the prince a hand in order to lead her into the room. Vincent smiled, opened the doors, then took her hand and brought her inside the large room. After they went through the doors, they closed almost silently. "One second," the prince said softly before he stopped walking and let go of her hand. "Open your eyes."

When Corla opened her eyes, she was welcomed by thousands of books. Her mouth slowly opened slightly as she looked around. She had never seen so many books in her life, but at the same time, she'd never been able to finish one completely. "Are these books?" she asked, and though she thought it was a stupid question, she wasn't sure if they were what she thought they were.

"Yup. They are incredible, don't you think?" Vincent smiled and walked toward one of the old designed wooden shelves. "These are from Europe, actually."

"All of them?" she asked in astonishment as she walked toward a different bookshelf. She grabbed one of the books and flipped through them. Vincent watched as she squinted at the words and coughed at the light dust that came flying toward her mouth. "Why are there so many words?" Corla didn't look away from the book in her hands.

The prince snickered as he walked toward the girl slowly. He looked down to the book and grinned. "That's what books are. They are filled with words that tell a story." Corla lowered her eyebrows and mouthed some words to herself.

"How do you even read?" She said after a moment of reading over a word three times. "It's so difficult." Corla briefly looked up to focus on the prince before looking back down to the book. "Be-you-tie-full?" Corla said choppy before huffing out a sigh.

"Close. It actually says beautiful." Vincent grinned and grabbed another book to hand to Corla. "Here. Try this one." Corla looked at the cover and tilted her head.

"What's Alice in Wonderland?" Corla looked up in a confused way.

"You've never heard of that book?" Vincent said in a shocked way. "I guess we've got to tell you about it."

"Who's we?" Corla asked, suddenly as still as a statue.

"I meant you and I," he said innocently as a smirk curled over his right side of his lips. "Come on, I'll read you a chapter."

"But isn't it childish?" Corla asked, though she followed the prince toward the two chairs near a fake fireplace.

"Oh, my lady," the prince smiled toward her before he sat down on the red chair, leaving the dark navy for Corla. "sometimes we just need to step out our comfort zones and relax for a while." Corla tilted her head but sat down either way. For some reason, she was drawn to him and the book in his hand. But she couldn't keep her mind off of her servant. She'd be able to get her out soon. She just needed to be trusted here first.




*sits patiently*

Okay anyways...

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Peace out Secrets and God bless you all!


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