Part 4

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I listen to the beeping, its calming cause its so consitant.

I slowly open my eyes and I the first thing I notice is that there is a Golden rose with white and silver painting on the ceiling. Its breathtaking and I just stare for a while until I slowly realise wher I am. I look around and I see im in a hospital.

And then I remember.

I remember her screeching for my help.

Her fingers dropping from mine.


I remember her beautiful blonde white hair falling through my fingers as I braided it hen she was 7, I remember singing her to sleep when dad wasn't home, I remember her smile when she used to play with me, I remember her head bent back curved while she studied.

Her scream

Her body falling

All my fault

'Quick her hearts failing, get ready for shock treatment, hurry!'

Everything goes black again.

Slowly I blink opening my eyes again.

'oh your awake,' a chesnut haired lady says drom beside my bed.

I just stare at her.

'Im your nurse and my name is Susie. Since your awake you are probably wondereing why you're here ad what happedned so im just going to call in my advisor and hell expain everything to you, One second." She walked away to a small machine thing attached to the wall.

I think she said something to it, I wasn't listening I was staring at the ros eon the ceiling. It looked amazing, the way the colors joined and swirled together, the crushed leaves that still managed to spread. The sunlight streaming through it making the gold shine and sparkle.

'Eun ha,' Someone said.

I turn sideways and look up into a warm face. His honey brown eyes were kind and he looked sad.

I loo back upa t the rose only to see it had disappeared.


I sat up and just looked at him. I didn't speak.

His brown hair was slicked back and he was wearing a white coat over a black tee and jeans.

'Im doctor malley and Im going to tell you something that will upset you, aim sorry that this happened and I ask you to not to panic or lose control of your emotions. Please try and remain calm or your heart might spasm again."

I continue to stare at him. Speaking not even being an option for me to do.

"You see," he continues clearing his throat. "there was a fire. It actually started in the house ext door to yours and maybe anywhere else it wouldn't have pread to yours but because your houses were brushing sides it spread very very quickly. By the time the fire brigade got there the fire was raging all through there house and continuing through yours." He seemed in rush to say everything.

"When they arrived they saw a man who I assume was your father coming out of the house with you in his arms, he lay you on the ground and went back into the house. He um... he didn't come back out and neither did your younger sister." He cleared his throat.

I reached up and touched my cheek, it was dry.

I didn't scream, I didn't cry, I didn't yell or break anything I just sat there and stared at him.

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