Part 7

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When I get home I pull my phone out of my pocket and text the schools number to Kim taehyung.

1 minute later he replies.

'Thanks so much Eun ha!'

'No problem'

I put my phone down.

I might have a nap before they have dinner, its not like I have anything else to do.


Shocked I pick up my phone wondering what else he needed.

'Hey so how do you know Korean? Your in Australia right?'

I kinda just started at the text for a moment. Noone has ever been interested in anything I do or speak or really anything about me. Its weird having someone ask me a question.

'Yeah I was born here too but dad was Korean so he taught me the language as I was groing up as well as English.'

'Woah daebak! Its os cool that even though this was the wrong number you speak Korean and your in Australia. That's so cool.'

'So do you like Dogs?'

That's a bit out of the blue.

'Ah yeah actually I love dogs, especially big dogs, ive never had one before though because we never had enough money.'

'Yeah ive never had a dog either but my brothers and I are thinking of getting a puppy!!!'

'Wow lucky, What type?'

Golden Retriever!!

What??!! No way there my favourite!!

'really?! Ill send you a picture if we get one!!!

'Oh yes please.'

I don't know why we are talking, its not like he needs anything from me anymore. I guess hes that type of person who wants to be friends with everyone. I don't mind. Hes so easy to talk to.

We kept talking every day and we told each other things about our selves and what we did each day.

It turns out he has 7 brothers (6 he is not actually related to) all living with him and that he sings and dances.

When it got to me talking about myself I was careful to not mention the fire that destroyed me or the abuse that I endure all I said was that my mother died when I was born and that I live in an orphanage.

One day I woke up to a message that said:

'I'm coming'

coming? What??? Coming where? To Australia? What does he mean.


your message didn't send.

Did he get a new phone?

Wait does that say 8;35? Im going to be late. Crap.

I run through the orphanage onto the street seeing the bus just leave.

Shit, shit, shit.

I turn around looking at the orpahange then back to the disappearing bus.

I walk back inside to bump head first into a brickwall.

Except it wasn't a brick wall.

'Timothy??!!' I cry stumbling back a step. 'I..i im sorry I I missed my bus.'

'He Stumbled forward looking at me with hate.

Was he drunk why is his face pink.

He came close still. Grabbing the front of my shirt and dragging me into the do not enter room.

I know what that means. Hes been drinking I can smell the achohol on him.

Im scared. I don't want to get hit. My hands shake and my breathing started to come out ragged.

He walked to the otherside of the room dropping my shirt. The wall he walked towards was filled with whips, wooden bats and wine bottles everywhere. He grabs a whip of the wall. Its his favourite one to use on me.

The light flickered above my head and started to tiltering. I watch it as the light explodes and glass sprays in every direction.

Pain seers through my body as the shards fly into my skin. Blood starts to pool out of multilple wounds on my body but I ignore it as I realise.

This is my chance Ive got to go and ive got ot go now. I don't care if I die anymore im not staying here anymore. Ive had enough. I quickly get up and throw open the door. With a quick glance at the massive figure getting up of the ground to come at me I sprint outside and onto the street.

BITTTTCCCCHHHH, COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!!!!!!' Timothy screeched from the room. 

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