Part 8

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I sprint down the man road, ignoring the stares as people watch me go past.

I keep running and running for a very long time. I gnore the pain of the scraped the light bulb caused and I ignore the stich in my side and the burning of my thighs. All I think is that I have to get away and I have to get away now.

I stop when I realise Id left the city. All that I could see now was country side in every direction.

I sit down on the grass on the side of the road as I grasp my side gasping for breathe.

I notice that cars were starting to come from the city so I quickly stand up and ste back into the cover of the trees. The grass was long so I doubt anyone could see me as I sat down and lay back.

I looked up at the clouds through the leaves and almost jumped in shock as my phone rang.

'Anddddd iiiiii wiiiiiil always loooooooe youuuuuuu'

I picked it up. The caller id read 'Kim taehyung'

Hello, I whisper, it was the first word I had said in a month.

'Eun Ha?? Is that you? Eun ha where are you?? Im going to adopt you.'

What? I sit up at that.

'What did you say?'

Im going to adopt you and take you with me. Where are you. Im at the orphanage and this guy is saying he wont allow me to take you. He kicked me out and everything and then went running down the street. So I went back inside and signed a form myself and then I asked a little kid where you are and he wouldn't aswer me he just stared at me like I was crazy? I checked your school and they said you didn't come today.'

Eun ha?'

'Are you still there did something happen? WHERE ARE YOU????'

I pull the phone away from my ear as he says those last lines and I whisper:

'Im on the side of the road near xxx.'

Okay, im coming, don't move'

Okay' I murmur.

I put the phone down and stare at my legs.

There covered in scratches and blood.

I reach over to my backpack and pull out my water bottle. I pour the water over my legs, drenching my stockings. I rub the blood of the cuts with my hands and try to pull my ripped stockings together to cover the cuts.

Luckily I had some needle and thread in my bag and I roughly stiched the peiecs back together.

I sigh and put everything away.

Lyingback down I close my eyes and listen to the cars drive past and the birdstweeting there own song.

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