The Dream

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Barry handed me a cup of water, 

"So, your Kara's new prodigy," He said, quirking an eyebrow at me,

"Prodigy? Oh, i'm not a prodigy, just a fellow Kryptonian," He sighed and smiled. 

"When's Kara's coming home?"

"About ten minutes," He nodded, rubbing his hands together.

"Do you alway's were that suit?" I asked him, he laughed.

"No, just when i'm The Flash. I'm like Kara, I have a day job and a night job," He said pointing to his outfit when he said night job. We waited in silence for nine minutes until I heard the key turn into the lock,

"Kara's home," I muttered, she opened the door, searching the room, her eyes stoped on Barry,

"Barry?" She said, emotions were playing across her face. Confusion. Surprise. Joy.

"I just coming to stop for a visit? Wanted to meet her," He said nodding his head towards me, she walked towards him and they embraced. 

"I have to let the DEO know your here, they might take you as a threat otherwise," Kara said, pulling out her phone, tapped on it a couple times and then brought it to her ear.

"Alex? Hi. Barry's here. Yes, Barry Allen the Flash. Okay. Cool. Gotta go. See you soon," She put it back in her pant pocket,

"Now that's that handled, want to get some dinner?" She asked, addressing both me and Barry. She saw my skeptical look.

"Don't worry Sam, food here is good," That only comforted me a little,

"Chinese food?" She said, asking Barry,

"Fine with me,"


"Sure," I mumbled. She took out her phone again and tapped once, putting it to her ear again. 

**************************************** An hour later ****************************************

I looked at the empty containers on the table. The so-called "Chinese" food had been delicious. Kara and Barry were laughing and we were staring at the black box. Only, it wasn't black anymore, it was like the contraptions we had on Krypton. People or animals ran across the screen and there was joyful parts, devastating parts and everything in-between. Soon, I yawned,

"You need to go to bed," she said ushering me onto my feet and into the purple bedroom with the blue bed, I laid down on the blue bed and instantly I fell asleep. Transporting myself into a dream Krypton, my parents were there in their white robes, I went over to hug them but every time I tried they would disappear and appear at the other side of the room. All throughout the night, I tried to catch them, they were always out of my grasp. Always a couple feet away. In my case, galaxy's away, but yet they weren't. I would have to wait many years to finally greet them, by then I would be old, my skin wrinkled. I shuddered in my dream at the thought of that. Then, Kara appeared in my dream. She held her hand out to me, 

"Come on Sam, we have to go." She said as a blazing portal was opened in front of her. I saw her apartment door. I looked back to my parents. I waved my hand in a solemn goodbye. I stepped through the portal.

Okay, I promise the next one will have some more action in it. This one was also kind of boring. Sorry. I'll try to update as soon as I can!

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