The ride to the DEO

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"I never knew you had a cousin! Who's from Krypton! Why don't you tell me these things?" I have been pestering Kara for the last 20 minutes about Superman, she's been laughing, not giving me answers. Finally, she spoke up,

"Sam, you've only been on this planet for what? Five or six days? Two of which you were in the hospital," she say's smiling at me, her arm wrapped around my shoulder. I grin at her and wait a minute before going on the attack once more,

"Why can't we fly?" 

"You need testing,"

"No, I don't, I hate needles," I said shuttering, remembering the needles on Krypton. On Earth, I had not yet been injected with a needle. Let's hope it would stay that way.

"No needles, besides Kryptonite, there is nothing that can penetrate our skin," 

"Why aren't there shots made of Kryptonite," I asked, Kara sighed,

"You really are scared of shots, aren't you?" I nodded vigorously,

"Well then you're in luck, all my years on Earth, I have never had a shot," This new information made the anxious butterflies in my stomach fly away. We stayed quiet for a couple more minutes until I couldn't take the silence,

"What about Anna and Lila? Are they at the DEO?" She nodded, 

"Who's the Joker?" 

"I've only heard myth's about him, I didn't think he was a reality until Lila, he lives in some Gothic city and fights a man who thinks he's a bat,"

"Sounds pretty messed up to me," I said trying to figure out what a bat was, Kara read my expression and explained,

"A bat is basically a flying rodent," 

"Okaayyyy?" When the car stopped and we were finally at the DEO, I stumbled out and ran to the entrance, stumbling on every single tiny pebble in the way. 

"Someones excited," Kara's laugh rang out as she caught be before I hit my face.

"Thanks," I mumbled as an embarrassed blush spread to my cheeks, she laughed again and pulled me into a short hug, I tapped my foot impatiently in the elevator and when it dinged open I ran out, halting right before I accidentally ran into Alex,

"Where are you going, Samantha?"  She said, my excitement fueling her chuckling, 

"I honestly don't know," I said, still jumpy as ever, Alex looked over at Kara, questioning,

"Adrenaline rush is probably still going," Alex shook her head in agreement and put a hand on my shoulder.

"We need to do some tests, make sure that faux Kryptonian sun didn't do any internal or external damage," I nodded reluctantly and twitched my lips into a half frown, Kara reached my hand and squeezed it,

"Someone nervous?" Alex asked me,

"Only a bit," I nodded, my stomach doing flips. As we exited the main room and walked down the familiar hospital quadrant, I look at the floor, not caring where I'm walking, just following Alex's footsteps beside me. I spot Lila and try to catch her glances, only to fail. She's still in her room, must be going crazy, I make a mental note to go and see her later. Suddenly I bump into something and fall over. Before I hit the ground, I'm caught,

"Thanks Barry," I say, accidentally bumping into him, tripping again. He sets me up again, flipping me around so I face him, 

"You okay? You took quite a tumble today," I nod and he pulls me into a quick embrace, 

"I tried, but I was too far-,"

"You did amazing," I say, giving him a grin to convince him I'm okay, raises his eyebrows and I laugh.

"Kara, we gotta go," Alex beckons me, I nod a join back up with her,

"Where are you going?" Barry ask's

"Testing," I say groaning,

"Can I tag along?" 

"Of course!" I try not to show too much of excitement, this walk of doom had just turned into a joyride. Alex beckons him over with her head. Soon I'm on the table, sensors on my head and arms, Kara walks in and winks at me, she looks at Alex. 

"So, is she all good,"

"Yup! Good to go!"

Ayyyy, sorry this one is boring, I just don't have any great ideas right now. Sorrrryryryryr

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