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My life passes before my eyes as I fall. I squint out the light blinding me,

"It's probably a dream," I murmur to myself, after all, I used to get these dreams all the time back on Krypton. The wind rushing through my ears and stinging my eyes drowns out all the other sounds and sights. I don't see Kara screaming at Alex through her earpiece or the people below me staring up at a falling girl. Black spots flash in front of my eyes and I close them, wishing them to go away. Suddenly I break out of my trance, I look around, I'm actually falling. I see the spotlight and I understand, it's replicating Kryptons sun. Kara can't touch me without losing her powers. I suddenly realize how close I am to the ground and start screaming. I kick my legs out like I'm swimming upwards. If I wasn't falling to my uttermost death, I would probably laugh at my sad attempt to get away. I stop struggling and start to count the feet. 100. 99. 98. 97. I repeat the same phrase over and over in my head. Kryptonians don't give up. Kryptonians don't give up. Kara Zor-El doesn't give up. My mother didn't give up. My father didn't give up. I will not give up. 89. 88. I tilt to my left, trying to escape the beam. 66. 65. They spot me everywhere I go. Kryptonians don't give up. I won't give up. I stare at Kara who is zooming full speed at the spotlight. I hope she can stay out of the light. I turn my focus back on the ground. 45. 44. Even if Kara does disable the light, I don't think I'll have enough time to pull up before I hit the ground. I start to panic. 

"No!" I scold myself "I can't think like that! I. WON'T. GIVE. UP." I pull my hoodie with the DEO logo that Alex had given me the first day of training. I try to cover myself but it's the tiniest bit too small. I throw it down and mentally apologize to Alex. 20. 19. All the civilians start running away. I see a red streak in the distance. Barry. I close my eyes and brace for impact, letting the wind and adrenaline get the best of me. I rocket towards the ground and start to feel my conscious fading. Letting myself wander, even just for a second, in dream land.

Bright lights shine in my eyes. I shy away, turning my head in the opposite direction. 

"Kiddo?" A voice eco's around my head just as I'm starting to black out again,

"I gave up," I murmur, I hear two laughs, one that can only be Barry's and a different deeper one. I squint one of my eyes open and a male face with dark black hair. I realize I'm in his arm's and shriek, pushing away sending myself sprawling up. I'm caught by Barry who sets me on my feet, offering his shoulder for support. I willingly lean on it and examine this new person. 

"Kal-El?" I hear Kara's voice ask, he smiles. As my vision clears I can see Kara, run up and hug him, soon tearing her arms away to come and inspect me. 

"I'm fine," I say right as she opens her mouth,



"Too bad you're still going to the DEO," I try to bite down a chuckle with an agitated look, I glance around Kara and see her logo on his chest. 

"Who's that?" I ask, nodding at the man Kara hugged,

"Ohh, that's Superman," She says giving me a devilish grin, "my cousin,"

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