A Daxamite

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I walked out of the room, a slight headache waving throughout my head, it was just bearable just annoying.

"Kara?"  I saw a man walk forward, his dark hair contrasting with his blue eyes, 

"I haven't seen you in a while Mon-El," She waved him over,

"Samantha Mon-el, Mon-El Samantha," 

"Nice to meet you," I said sticking my hand out to shake his.  He barely even grasped my hand, as trying not to break it.  He seemed surprised by my grasp, he looked at Kara,

"Kryptonian, not a daxamite from your kingdom," She said emphasizing on your. He gave her an apologetic look,

"I'm just joking around Mon-El," She said punching him in the shoulder, they grinned at each other. 

"I heard you had a fall," He said putting a hand on my shoulder, 

"I'm okay, thanks to Superman," 

"I heard someone call?" A figure zoomed above us, his cape flowing. Kara rolled her eyes, 

"Don't make me come up and get you Kal-El. You have someone down here who wants to meet you properly anyway," She said nodding to me, a blush rose to my cheeks. He lowered himself, 

"Actually, why don't you go change first," She said, he nodded and flew off, Mon-El picked up a light conversation with Kara and I listened, not wanting to miss any important information.

"Is Barry here?"

"Yeah, he found his childhood crush, Anna," 

"Why is she here?" 

"She was also affected by the explosion, and her powers transported her here. She's been here for about two years," They talked for a couple more minutes until someone tapped me on the shoulder,

"Excuse me, I believe you are Samantha?" 

"Y-yes," I studdered, who was this dark haired stranger.

"Sam, this is Clark Kent," Kara said rolling her eyes,

"I believe you know me all as Superman?" He asked, I started at him wide eyed,

"You're, you're SUPERMAN?!" I could finally, see the resemblance and silently scolded myself for seeing it before,


"Thank you for saving me," I said, heat rushing up to my cheeks,

"Your welcome, anything for a fellow Kryptonian and one of my dearest cousins favorite people," As he said this a warmth spread throughout my body and I smiled at the ground. I suddenly heard a whoosh and paper's scatter.  I felt two warm hands on my shoulders, I tilted my head back and looked back,

"Hi Barry," I said grinning, he flashed me a brilliant grin.  I saw Winn come up to us, a tablet in his hands, his brow crossed,

"Kara, Barry, Kal-El, Mon-El, Samantha," He said acknowledging us all, "Kara we have some hostages, the captor is masked and demanding to see you and Barry.  Or the hostages will be-" She cut him off with a nod, her blue eyes blazing.  She looked over at Barry,

"Time to get to work," She said, he nodded.  I walked up to her and suddenly embraced her, she wrapped her arms around me in a crushing hug, stroking my hair.  

"Be careful," I said glancing up at her and then turning my head around to address him as well, he zoomed to my side.  

"Well get donuts after," He said grinning, 

"I know a place," Kara said, silently laughing.  Kara squeezed my hand before she took off into the air, waiting for Barry. 

"See you in a bit Kiddo," He said, winking before he zoomed off, leaving a strong wind.  Kal-El came up behind me,

"They have done this a million times don't worry," I knew he was right, but I still couldn't abandon the horrible sensation that something was going to go wrong.

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