The Lone Survivor

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When I woke up, sweat was plastered to my forehead and the covers were completely off my bed. Even on Earth, that bad habit stayed the same. I walked into the kitchen and saw Barry and Kara discussing life over two cups of coffee.

"How's life back at home?" Kara asked Barry, oblivious to the fact I had entered the room,

"Pretty good,"

"And The Arrow?"

"Oliver? He's good," Barry took another sip of his coffee. I decided right now was the perfect time to intervene,

"Good morning," I said, pretending that I had just walked out of my bedroom, not wanting it to seem like I was eavesdropping on their conversation. 

"Morning kiddo," Barry said, suddenly at my side, I jumped. It would take a while to get used to that.

"Hey Sam! Sleep well?" Kara asked, 

"Ya," I said, trying not to shudder as I remembered my dream.

"Any dreams?" she asked, I silently groaned. Right off the bat!

"Yes, one,"

"What was it about?"

"I don't really remember," I say, hoping my lie isn't as bad as they usually are, "you were in it,"

"In a good way?" She asks, I see her smile twitch as if it might change to a frown,

"In a good way! Oh, ya, totally in a good way..." I blabber on, trying to convince her until I see her smile return to its usual glamorous self. 

"Good do you want some breakfast? I have some-," She is cut off by a loud explosion. Kara and Barry lock eyes, I hear him mumble, "Every time I come to Earth," Kara chuckles. 

"Ready to go save some people?" She asks him, he shakes his head and grins,  "Uh, Sam do you want to come with us? Watch from the sidelines?" 

"YES! Yes! Can I come?" 

"Of course," she say's chuckling, suddenly, Kara and Barry have changed into Supergirl and The Flash, looking awesome and indestructible at the same time. Kara zooms through the window and Barry picks me up, were instantly on the street,

"Did you go down the stairs? I ask in between childlike giggles of awe and joy. 

"Yup!" He says, putting me back on the ground, "just, uh, I have to go, walk as close to the explosion as you see fit! Bye!" He say's before he starts to zoom away, leaving red particles behind him. I jog until I'm right behind yellow tape, I try to duck under but an important looking man comes up to me,

"I'm sorry, you can't go past the tape," He says, I sigh and nod. This will have to do. I mean, the view isn't all that bad, I can still see, Kara and Barry clearly. There's a large metal object that lit with flames. Kara circles it carefully, I can tell from her furled brow she knows as much about this object as I do. Which means absolutely nothing. I see people start rushing out, the exit starts to crash down but suddenly its stops, an aqua blue shield is put up. It's a mist. I girl about Kara's age stepped out, her face showed extreme pain as she sinks to her knee's. She's making sure the exit doesn't collapse, the aqua mist coming from her hands. I looked over to Barry to see a face of recognition come over his face and he suddenly looked scared,

"Anna?" I heard him whisper. As her face drained of color so did Barry's. He came out of his shocked trance and zoomed towards her. Wrapping her in his arms and protecting her from the falling debris as her mist evaporated and she fainted. Kara flew over and shielded him from the rest with her strong cape. When the debris was done falling, Kara heaved it onto the ground and Barry got up, rushing her over to a safe place. The crowd circulated around me as Kara whispered something so quiet into his ear that even I couldn't hear it before he zoomed somewhere else. Anna still knocked out and in his arms. Suddenly, I understood, he was taking her to the DEO.

If you've ever seen Avenger's Age of Ultron Anna's mist is like the Scarlet Witches except it's aqua. Thank's for reading!

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