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"Cisco?  What is it?" I hear Kara say, desperation filling her voice,

"It looks like her pons and thalamus have been affected," 

"And what do they do?" Barry asks cautiously, 

"They affect her dreams, but I don't understand how that could be affecting her daily life," 

"We should let her sleep," Anna says "maybe then we will have some answers,"

"Brilliant Blue Vapor," Cisco says,

"Blue Vapor?  My name is Anna," 

"I know, but I'm guessing you can do more than the average Joe.  So, you need a superhero name.  You know, to fight crime," I hear Anna give a small chuckle.

"So we let her sleep?" Kara asks,

"That's all we can do," Barry responds.  I feel a poke in my shoulder and flinch away.  

"You promised no needles Kara," I slur as I can feel my body going numb.


"Kara?" I walk down a long hallway, a door opens on my left and I flinch.  It's another hallway, at the end I see an apple.  I walk down and pick it up, I am instantly transported in front of the small stand.  People crowd me, I see the shining red apple in front of me.  I walk forwards and touch it and yet again I am transported, I see an apple orchard, the sun shining brightly.  I look down and once again, the apple is in front of me, just a few paces ahead.  

"Sammy," I feel a hand on my shoulder and I am pulled into reality.  

"Hi," I murmur, placing a hand on my aching head, I see Kara's blue eyes in front of me, 

"Are you okay?" She asks,

"I think so,"

"Okay.  Did you dream about anything?" 



"Lots of long hallways, and an apple," Kara laughs, 

"Sound depressing," 

"It was weird," I look at my hand that had held the apple, I close my eyes.  The apple had been red, with one green leaf on its stem.  When I open my eyes again, my hand is not just in the air, but holding a ruby red apple.  I look up at Kara, my eyes wide, 

"What's happening to me," I whisper before I slip back into darkness.

Sorry, this is so short and sorry I haven't updated in forever! I'm going to sleepaway camp (not my choice) for 3 and a half weeks so my next update may be late summer. SORRY :(

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