The Symbol

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When I wake up, bright red lights surround me, I put a hand up to cover my eyes.

"She's up!" I hear a female voice say.  She's wearing a white lab coat and holding a clip board. "I'm Dr. Caitlin Snow, I work with Cisco and Barry.  Do you feel lightheaded or nauseous?" I shake my head no. I sit up and look around the room.  I'm still in Star Labs, I see Barry, Kara, Cisco, and Anna round the corner and enter my room.

"Are you ok?" Kara asks, 

"I'm fine," I say standing up, I feel strength surge through my body.  I am greeted by confused stares.

"Are you sure?" Anna asks,

"Yes." Alex enters the room, 

"While you were out, we went back to the DEO and, well, remember what happened in the training room.  With your powers and such." I nodd, " Alex says, Well we went back in and saw what you traced on the floor. We don't know what it means yet, but we have our theories,"

"What is it?" I picture is handed to me, I see a symbol on the floor and recognize it immediately. The house of El symbol.  I gasp.

"We think you might be part of othe house of El," Alex says, "Or  somewhat connected with that family."

"What do we do now?" I ask, 

"Well, we go back to the DEO," Kara says. An hour later, we say goodbye to Caitlin and Cisco and open the portal, re-entering the DEO. We are greeted with concerned looks,

"Not this again," I hear Anna murmur,

"What is it?" Asks Barry,

"It's the girl, Lila, she's gone," Hank says,

"For how long has she been gone?" Kara asks

"Only one hour, but she took something, we don't know how she got it but she did."

"What did she take?" I ask nervously,


I just back from camp yesterday so there should be more updates soon! 

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