Lila's Invention

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I skitter backwards from them on the bed. I give a confused look to Alex and Hank. She twitches her lips and nods, her brows furled.

"Let's give Samantha some space," She said shooing everyone out except Lila and Anna. As soon as Barry and Kara are out of sight Anna breaks out into tears,

"What is going on? Why can't they remember anything? And why are they in... in... LOVE?" I start to hyperventilate. I start to feel faint, the sound of Anna's sobs echoing around my head. I sit up and get out of the bed, ignoring Alex's warning. I wrap my arms around Anna.

"I'm so sorry, we will fix them, somehow," She tries to smile, eventually giving up, strokes my hair.

"Actually I have a theory," Lila says, "you see, I created a device while you were out. It can monitor Kara and Barry's brain frequencies so we can see if anything changed so-," I cut her off and hug her as well. She goes rigid,

"Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me," I whisper, she relaxes and awkwardly returns the hug.

"Where I grew up, we didn't really hug so pardon my badness at it," she says blushing, I laugh and wobble back over to the bed.

"I feel so helpless," I say sighing,

"Don't worry, it only took Kara a couple days to get back on track," Alex explains

"A couple DAYS?!?" I huff and lay back into the bed,

"Welcome to my world," Alex says, holding back a chuckle, I roll my eyes and stand up again, going towards the door.

"Lila? Will you come see Winn with me so we can give him your amazing device,"

"He already has it," She says mid-grin. I grin back at her. I jog/stumble over to Winn,

"I heard you lost your powers?" He asks,

"Yeah," I sigh back,

"You know Kara had to save someone to get them back?"


"James Olsen,"

"Who now?"

"I'll tell you later," He said chuckling, "now time for our scans. I need you to get both Kara and Barry into the medical lab. I'm guessing they will listen to you more than anyone else because they both feel very protective over you,"

"They do?" A happy smile comes to my cheeks, he nods vigorously, "well I don't know about this form of them," he mumbles

"And what if I can't?"

"I don't know, then we will ask Hank I guess, because he's, ya know-"

"J'onn J'onzz," 

"That's him," A chuckle escapes through my lips, it instantly drowns out when I remember the serious topic at hand, Winn motions right with his head,

"They went that way," I start to walk, "Kid, be careful, we don't know what this Kara and Barry are thinking," I nod and hesitate before I continue.  What if this Kara is a jerk?  During training, Alex told me about this one time, where she had been exposed to red kryptonite.  She had turned evil.  What if this is like that for Barry or Kara? I shake my thoughts away.  I had learned back on krypton that my mind was the only danger that I had to worry about.  They kept me up at night, hiding under the blankets.  I put my thoughts on my feet. One step.  Another.  Two more.  Until I finally saw Barry and Kara.  They were embracing, I tried to hide my cringe.  This was not right, Kara and Barry were the closest friends ever, they were never meant to be together. 

"Kara? Barry?" I heard one of them sneer,

"What do you want Samantha?" Kara asked shaking her head in annoyance at Barry.  The usual Kara, the one who had been here for me when I had first landed, the one who called me Sam and laughed at even the most pathetic of my jokes was gone.  This one was skeptical, sarcastic and who's brilliant smile was replaced with a sneer.  

"Alex wants to see you guys for some, uh, prep before the next mission,

"Let's go, if we don't she will keep bothering us," He said flat toned.  This Barry was un-emotional, cruel, a mean sort of sarcastic.  It scared me to see them like this.  Two golden-hearted people who had rotted somehow.  I walked forwards, Barry and Kara following me.  My palms are sweaty and my legs are shaking, Alex catches my mood when I pass and gives me a sympathetic smile.  I bring them to the med lab where two bed are waiting.  A lady with a tablet steps forwards and requests them to lay on the beds.  They listen, sneering.  She attaches two sensors to each of their heads and presses a button.  Lila walks in, a MacBook in hand, sits and starts typing rapidly.  She motions me over with one hand.  

"What did you find?" I ask,

"See this?" She asks and points to a bunch of lines, I nod.  She scrolls over, the lines are ginormous now, and many more of them, "I think they are being, hypnotized or controlled, these lines are lines of two people.  And these are just Kara's."  I turn around and look at Kara,

"Can they hear us?"

"No, I designed a, well, a white noise machine in my invention to dull out the outside noises,"

"So, you're saying they are under mind control?"


"What's the point of Barry and Kara in love?  What benefit does that give anyone?"

"I have been thinking about as well," She says fiddling with a pencil, "Maybe they have seen what Anna can do.  She's really amazing.  She can alter the reality around her, control people, grab things with her so-called mist, like my trinket I made earlier.  I'm still trying to figure that out though, how can a mist, a gas, be able to hold objects?  And what's the heaviest object she can hold?" I chuckle as Lila goes into her scientific mode.  Her eyes shining with excitement.  I could see why she got on perfectly with Winn.

"So Lila," I say cutting her off, "how can we get them out?"  

"I might have an idea," Alex says, walking up behind us...

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