ⓟart 5: Lucky Charms

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Clara Alonso as Megan Wilson
Previously on Nerd Threats The Bad Boy:
She gave a bright smile that reached her cheeks. She stuck out her hand and said," My name is Megan Wilson."

Megan said," That boy is so in love with you."

I choked on my food and drank some of my water. As soon as I got my shit together, I looked at her like she's out of her mind.

"Um no he's not." I disagreed,.

She took it and asked him straight out," Are you into Cameron?"

As I was leaning against the door, I got a notification of an unknown number.

Unknown Number: Where you at bitch?

I immediately recognize that tone of message. It was Megan. I texted her back.

Me: I'm at home. Why?

Megan: Because we were gonna go shopping! I'll just pick you up at your house. What's your address?

I gave her my address and I went into the living room to wait for Megan.

While I was on my phone, I heard a honk.

I made sure I got my wallet and went outside, locking my door.

I walked up to her car and went in. Soon, conversation filled the air.


We arrived at the mall and right now we are walking. Megan said,"Okay we are looking for a outfit that'll make Scott kneel at the tip of your toes."

"Um, I don't want to be dressed like Bea." I said sassily.

She chuckled. And said,"Don't worry you're not going to dress like a slut. We are going more into your hoe nature."

I smiled and did a one-sided eyebrow lift. "That's more like it."

We wrapped our arms together and went into the clothing store. Aeropostale

One of the helpers asked if we needed help. We kindly declined. As we looked around, I saw a shirt with a white shirt but blending into a black color. I looked at the price tag. $44.99. I grabbed it and I also found a black skinny jeans, black and white flannel, and a black high top leather boots.

I was going to the changing room when Megan said,"Wow. I found my G.B.F!," she looked at the outfit I picked out in my hands and said,"You have a great sense of style. I love it." She rushed me to the changing room.

When i was done, I showed her my outfit and she said,"That's the dress."


After I payed for my clothes, Megan practically dragged me to the hair salon. I said,"My hair isn't even that long!"

"Yes it does! When I bumped into you, I thought you were a girl! You are getting a haircut!" She said.

We were arguing, until one of the barbers said,"How may I help you?"

Megan said,"He needs a haircut. I would like to see the examples in your book."

He brought the book of haircut styles. Megan was flipping into the pages, until she found the right one. She showed it to the barber but not me. Umm. Aca-scuse me?

"This is perfecto! Now! Let's start!"

He led me to the chair and started working on my hair.


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