ⓟart 8: The Choice is Yours

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Vini Uehara will be playing Thomas Radley
I'm so sorry for those who are waiting for the next chapter. School came back and I'm struggling with classes. But now I don't have any work so I'd decided to do a chapter for you guys.
Here you go.....
Cameron's POV

Here I am, on a Saturday thinking about my decisions between two guys instead of binge-watching Game Of Thrones. While eating my delicious Ben & Jerry's ice cream, I started to remember the moments I encountered these fine men.

(2 years ago)

On the very first day of High School, normally people would be nervous but I'm not because I have my best friend Sherry with me. "Are you ready to experience high school cliches?" she said.

"Just as long as you're by my side." I smiled at her. Arms linked together, we walked in the front doors. As we got our schedules in the main office, we went to our first class together; Geometry. I sat in between Sherry and my other friend Thomas. Just between us, Sherry has a huge crush on him. Thomas looked at us and said,"Hey I'm going to be throwing a back-to-school party at 8. Do you guys want to come?"

Sherry must've been screaming inside because it's the first time that Thomas spoke to her. To answer to for us, I smiled and said,"Sure." 

(Times skip to after school)

Me and Sherry are walking out of school and Sherry's mother is here to pick her up. Sherry asked,"Do you want us to drop you?"

I shook my head and said no because my mom will be here soon. After that, she left. I sat on the sidewalk bench to wait. I took out my book to kill time. All of the sudden, I can feel eyes on me. I looked up and see a not-so muscular guy and a chisel face with black hair, wearing a varsity jacket staring at me. As my eyes made contact with them, he looked away and started walking away.

That was very unusual.

(Another times skip to the party)

Me and Sherry are in the car, waiting for one of us to step out. Both nervous due to being our first time to a party. I looked at her and asked,"Are you ready?"

She said,"Lets get our party on!"

We stepped out of the car and walked into the house. As soon as we went inside, our noses smelt the smoke of marijuana. We walked away from the cloud of smoke and we met with Thomas, holding two drinks probably filled with liquor. He gave them to us and smirked,"Bottoms up."

Sherry being the designated driver declined but I'm not. I engulfed the whole drink and maybe a little from Sherry's drink. Feeling the rhythm of the song that's playing, I swayed my hips in the dance floor, matching the beat to the song. I can tell some guys are looking at me with lust, but I didn't really care because I just wanted to have fun.

After getting too tired, I walked to the kitchen to get more beer. After getting my beer, I bumped into this guy who's so close to the wall. I was going to yell but I stopped because his aura basically screams danger. This tattooed guy was going to yell at me, but stopped when he stared in my eyes. We both stood silent for a minute or two until we both pulled away. I was going to talk to him until he moved away and started talking to a girl whose clothes are so revealing. Feeling a little bit hurt, I walked up the stairs to look for the bathroom.


As I was walking up the stairs, I felt dizzy all of a sudden. Looking for a room to take a nap, I was unaware of someone pulling me into a dark room. Arms tight around my waist, mouth kissing against my neck. I can tell it's a male because of a "little tent" below rubbing against me. I wanted to push away, but didn't have enough strength. This person's mouth attacked my own lips and his tongue tasting everything. He pushed me on the bed and in the moonlight, it showed the face of my attacker; Thomas.

"T-T-Thomas, what are you doing?" I asked.

He said lustfully,"I know what you're doing. Seducing me with your dance moves. Looking at me with those eyes. I'm just doing what you image me doing to you." He looked at me with evil obsession eyes.

This is not Thomas, one of my close friends I knew.

He began to take my clothes off, I tried to push him off of me but he grabbed my wrists and held it above my head. After half an hour later, he wraps his arms around my sweaty body. My eyes held tear all the way.

Where is Sherry when I needed her?

Just in time, I see someone opening the door and turning on the lights. Sherry. And by the look on her face held betrayal, hurt, and anger. Her eyes landed on me. She was not here to rescue me. Her tears were falling from her sad face, and said something that hurts me the most.

"How could you, you bitch? Go find yourself a ride home, slut." And then she left. My tears were falling, hitting the pillows. No one can save me now.

(Present time)

Bringing up those painful memories, those exact words still affected me. Still needing to decide on one person, I bring up happy moments with them.

"Don't you get it? I like you. Since the day we kissed, you were on my mind 24/7."

"I know that because you're one of the most bravest people I know. And that's I love about you."

Smiling at my memory, I finally decided who to go to.
So, how was it?
You got a little insight of the past between Cameron and Sherry, but there's still more behind it?
Who is Cameron going to pick?
Ethan Blake?
Scott Peters?
Well, comment on who from above and I'll see who you like more..

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