ⓟart 19: Mount Rushmore

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Cameron's POV:

The next day just came a regular school day. No one was affected by the news because no one really cared. That's what I like about the school: they don't intrude in people's business. I walk with Sherry and Ethan is holding my hands. As we were going to Ethan's locker, turns out it holds nothing inside so our journey here was for nothing. We see Courtney and Eva walking towards us.

Courtney says, "Why'd you tell Bea I was in love with her?!? I told you that secretly." Sherry was going to apologize but Courtney holds her hand, and continues, "But you were right. I was in love with the Devil. Key word: WAS. So, thank you! Turns out, I have nothing to be ashamed about my sexuality. I am forever in your debt."

Eva also speaks up, "Yeah. Also thank you. I have found a cute nerd and I'm learning new things. Who knew Mount Rushmore is the four president's head?!"

We smiled and laughed. Seems to me that a new friendship begins to blossom.


As I wait for Sherry and Ethan with the food, I see Courtney, and unknown girl, Eva, and a boy very close to her. Courtney says, "You don't mind if we sit together?"

I shook my head, allowing them to sit. Me, Courtney, and Eva started talking in classes and turns out we have a lot in common. Courtney introduces the girl, "This is Xenoma. I've met her on a lesbian dating site I've sign up yesterday."

Eva spoke, "And this is Jackson

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Eva spoke, "And this is Jackson. He's the nerd I was talking about!"

After I said my name to them, turns out Xemoma is the president of a yaoi book club and Jackson was the kid I had gym with

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After I said my name to them, turns out Xemoma is the president of a yaoi book club and Jackson was the kid I had gym with. Me and him were always behind others.

As we continue to catch up, cues Sherry and Ethan with my food. "Hey baby." He says coolly.

We peck and we can see Xenoma practically fan-girling. She even asks us if we can go to her yaoi club.

Everyone was in their designated spots and started to eat. I ask Courtney and Eva, "Hey, where's Bea?"

They looked at each other and Eva said, "She was...suspended for unreasonable behavior. Everyone said she started it and blames her, so the principal has no choice but to be suspended since she already was warned."

Oh yeah. She paid some kids to trash a teacher's car for giving her a low grade.

I blurted out, "Why did you guys taunt me throughout school?"

They look at each again with regret and Courtney said, "I'm deeply sorry. I was too love-struck to even know what's right or wrong. I guess that's love, right?"

And then Eva said, "I just wanted to fit in. But that's no excuse so I'm sorry."

I thought what I was going to say, do they deserve a second chance? I look at Sherry and she gave me that look that says 'Trust them.'

I told them I forgave them and everyone resumed to their lunches.


I went home to get ready because we, I guess you can say the whole group, have plans later tonight and when I got there, I meet my mom and Chandler. I greeted them hello as I ran up to my room to start in my homework.

A few minutes later, indulged in my U.S. History homework, a knock interrupted my thoughts and the door opened to see Chandler in the crack. "Hey bro. I was headed home already. Just want to tell you." He says. He almost closed the door, until I called out his name.

"Yes?" He asked.

I asked him, "Would you like to me my friends, properly?"

"Would Sherry be there?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Yes and you better not flirt with her. I'll only allow you to sit next to her."

He nodded his head and sat next to me on my bed, constantly helping me through time to time. I guess he's the smartest one out of us.

A few minutes later after finishing homework and getting ready, me and Chandler enter the diner and saw our friends. We went over to the table and sat. The seating arrangement was: Chandler, Sherry, Courtney, Xenoma, Jackson, Eva, Ethan and I. The waitress came to our table and asks us our choice of food. I whispered to Ethan, "Who's paying?"

"Courtney." He replies.

Knowing she's filthy rich, I basically ordered everything on the menu.

A few minutes and a discussion later, the food came and we took a long time to try place the food I order without crossing everyone's personal space. As we ate, Courtney asks us about our top choices of college.

Jackson happily says, "I'm hope I get into MIT."

Eva says, "I'll be following him to University of Massachusetts Boston."

Xenoma says, "Courtney and I are hoping to get into NYU,"

Sherry says, "I'm fine with the University of Delaware. I've never imagine myself outside of the city."

Chandler spoke, "Same here too."

I say, "I always want to go to University of California Berkeley. But I might not get in."

Finally Ethan says, "When I was little, I've wanted to go to University of Maine. You know, the farthest out of all. But I've decided to quit it and focus on being a...mechanic."

Smiling, because after junior year, we'll be adulting. Before letting our fears get to us, we talk about something else. Something we all know about.

Jackson was the one who started the conversation saying, "Did you know in 2006 multiple meteors struck here in New Castle County?"

Eva then says, "Ooh! I hope we can see them together ourselves!"

Jackson shook his head and says, "Sadly, we can't. It's in the government care now. I went to their town one time and in this section was surrounded by military trucks."



Anywhore, something might happen, might not happen. Haven't decided yet.



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