ⓟart 11: Sabotage

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At Date Night
Cameron's POV

I can't believe that it's finally happening.

I'm on a date with THE SCOTT PETERS.

I wish someone would pinch me. No need. I'll pinch myself.

After squeezing my skin so hard, I let out a small quiet squeal. "Are you okay?" Scott asked. Maybe not so quiet after all.

I said, "I'm fine. It's just feels so unreal that I'm in the car with you, on our way to our first date together." He smiled and told me to believe it. I also asked, "So, where we going?"

"It may sound so basic, but I'm hoping for a movie and a surprise dinner for tonight."

"Sounds adventurous." I quietly laughed.

As we pull up to the movie theatre, Scott and I went to the ticket booth to purchase. "Two tickets to Avengers: Infinity War." said in his dominant voice. I have always been a marvel and dc fanboy ever since I was a little kid. I looked at Scott as he pays for our tickets and I smiled, knowing that this man would treat me right.

We sat in our seats after buying a big popcorn, drinks and snacks. While we got ourself situated, the previews began to show, I feel a tap on my shoulders.

A familiar voice asked, "Is this seat taken?"

I looked up and saw Ethan Blake in all his glory. With his leather jacket and styled gel hair. Even in the dark, I noticed him smirking. I look around to see if there's anymore available seats. Sadly, there wasn't. Why does this movie have to be so popular?

I hear a throat being cleared and I see Sherry behind Ethan, holding his hand.

I nodded my head and they sat next to us. So in the row, it was Scott, me, Ethan, and Sherry.

Towards the middle of the movie, the scene with Drax claiming he's invisible, I started to laugh super hard. Thirty seconds later, I felt eyes on me. I turned to that person and Ethan was staring at me. How long was he staring at me?

We enjoyed the movie peacefully. Minus, the awkwardness. As we exit out of the theatre, Ethan called our names. Right behind Scott's car, he asked us where we are headed next. Sherry, on the side, was waiting patiently.

Scott said, "I'm taking Cameron to a Italian restaurant down the block. Why?" I looked at Ethan with my arms crossed.

"Oh same. I scheduled me and Sherry's date their too. I have a great idea. Why don't we double date?" Ethan suggested. I look at his eyes and see mischief. Something is definitely going to go down. "In fact, why don't we carpool together?"

This time, I glared at him. He looks at me with his signature smirk. Scott looks at me, and later agrees. Scott goes to the driver seat and I tried to move to passenger seat, but Sherry's hand blocked me. "Sorry, be a gentleman and sit in the back?" She said.

Rolling my eyes, I moved to the back seat with Ethan. Luckily, he didn't try anything. Yet. Sherry was too busy with my date instead of entertaining her date. We parked in front an Italian restaurant called Piccolo Sogno. I stood by Scott while he talked to the waiter that'll be helping us. We all sat in the table, with Scott in front of me and Ethan next to me.

We ordered our food and started eating. After desserts came next, ordered by Scott,  it was a raspberry parfait with sprinkled pecans and whipped cream. Everyone was eating it, except me. I was going to tell I'm allergic to pecans, but someone surprised me. "He can't eat pecans. He's allergic." I looked at Ethan with pure shock.

How does he know this?

After the dessert fiasco, we went back to the theatre parking lot to drop the other dates. "Goodbye Scotty." Sherry flirtatiously said.

"Goodbye little one." Ethan smirks and ruffles my hair. The two held hands and went to their car.

In front of my house, Scott walked me to my doorstep and said, " This was an adventurous date, don't you think?" Just by the irony, I started to laugh.

I tiptoed and gave a peck on the lips. As I was about to go in, Scott pills me into his arms and kiss me. I just got lost into the temptation and gave it my all. After the lack of oxygen, we depart our lips and Scott said, "I hope our second date beats the first one." Giving him a smile and a nod, I gave him a goodbye kiss and went our separate ways.

Closing the door, I slid on my back on the door and slowly reminiscing what happened a minute ago.

Sherry's POV:

"Our plan worked." I said.

"I told you. HE belongs to me." Ethan smirked.

Can't wait for tomorrow.

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