ⓟart 14: Last Night Was Magical

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Cameron's POV:

Wake up in the morning, feeling like P Diddy

I hit the snooze button. Gosh I should really change my alarm tone. I tried to go back to sleep until I feel someone's arm around my waist. My eyes opened wide from shock and I turned to see Ethan's sleeping face.


I looked under the blanket and see our naked bodies together.


I need to leave!

I quietly lifted his arm and slipped out of that embrace. I found my underwear...on the doorknob? Great. I'm a hoe.

I put it on and found my clothes in another pile of clothes. I could've ran away, but my alarm rang again. And that made Ethan's eyes open. He looked at an empty space and look around to see someone he wants to see every morning. He finds his subject by the door, staring at him.

"Morning baby. Last night was magical." Ethan smirks.

I groans. And says, "No! It wasn't! Nothing happened because I have no memory of our  activities!"

Ethan replies, "Wanna replay again?"

I rolls my eyes and a huge hangover came over him. I use my fingers to smooth my headache. "Here's an aspirin and water." He hands me a water bottle and aspirin. I look at him with a wary look. "What? I usually get hangovers every morning."

Not wanting to hear him anymore, I grabbed it and swallowed to aspirin with water. It kind of reduce the headache. "I'm going to go now." I turned to leave but a hand lands on the door.

"Stay. Have breakfast with me?" Ethan asked me with a hopeful tone. And then cue the grumbling sound in my stomach. He laughs and tells me to go brush my teeth. I go to his personal bathroom and found a spare toothbrush. After getting ready and trying to find my way out, I found my way and see Ethan waiting for me in a black matte challenger. Huh. If he denies that he's a fuckboy, I'm going to kill him.


"Hi. Can I get a waffles with a side of scrambled eggs and bacon. Make it crispy. Also, can I get a toast with sausages. Oh and a black coffee?" I asked the waitress. The waitress and Ethan look at me funny. I replied, "What? You're paying so I'm making it worthwhile." Ethan shrugs and orders a French toast and coffee with cream.

After the waitress delivers the right food, I see her slipping a note to Ethan. But he pays no attention. Rolling my eyes, I went straight to my food. I moan after eating a delicious sausage and I see Ethan smirking. You dirty pig.

"Okay I'm going to address the elephant in the room. How did we end up in bed together?" I questioned. He places the fork on his plate and looks at me. Creepy.

"It all started at the store."


10 hours ago

Ethan's POV:

I was on my motorcycle to escape. And what better way to escape than to drink your life away. I parked my bike and was about to enter the store until I was stopped by Cameron? "Hey sexy." He drunkenly winks.

He's too cute. I replied, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for some fun. Heyyyy your fun! Want to hang out???" He cheerfully asks. I think I should take him before homeless people try some of that dessert.

I discarded the empty liquor and guided him on my bike. Crap. How do I get him to hold on? I said, "Hey. I want you to sit behind me and hold on tight. Okay?"

He laughs and asked, "But aren't you a top?"

Smiling and shaking my head, I took off my belt. "Ooooh kinky. In public! You sir are my new best friend!"

We both sat and I wrapped my belt around him and looked into my jean hoops. When I moved a little, he quickly grabs onto my shoulder and sing, "I GOT A COOOL RIIIDERRR! A COOOOL RIDERRRR!"

It takes me a couple of minutes to get to my house. Yes I live alone.

Guiding him off and into my house, I went to get the guess room ready and after that, I went to find him until I see him on my bed. Waiting for me. When he sees me, he starts to tear up. I went to sit at his side and rubs his back for comfort. He looks at me and quickly kisses me. "Please? Please make the pain go away?" He pleads.

I return a kiss with a powerful one which he soon reciprocates and I laid him down. I ended the kiss and ask him, "Are you sure?"

He fights the decision until he says, "I'm damn sure. But take it easy on me."

"You got it baby."



Cameron's POV:

After hearing all that, I couldn't believe it. My life has been a lie.

"OH. MY. GOD. I WAS A DRUNK SLUT!" I exclaimed. He laughs so hard he hangs his hands on the diner table.

"It's not funny! I learned that my drunken persona is a slut."

"I'm sorry. I can't help it." He gets the last laugh and when he's done, he asked me, "But I got to ask you something. Why were you in pain?" And just like that all those painful memories became like a flashback of what happened. SCOTT AND MEGAN. MY TWIN BROTHER.

Since he told me what I wanted to hear, I told him the same thing. Everything. He looked angry and said, "That asshole! Just wait until I see him." I stayed quiet. "Wait what about your brother?"

"All I got is this picture and a name. Chandler Andrews." I showed him the picture.

"How'd you get this?" He asked

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"How'd you get this?" He asked.

"I found in a box in my mom's room. From the looks of it, she probably hired a PI." Ethan flips the pictures and sees a writing. He says, "And now you got the address too."

I took the picture and see an address. "She has the picture and she has the address. Why didn't she see him? Why didn't she tell me about him? We tell each other everything."

"What are you gonna do?" He asks.

"I'm gonna go find him. And I need your help."


10K ! Thank you guys so much ❣️ Don't forget to like ❣️



Picture up there is Gwenyth Capri (Cameron's Mother)


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