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(A/N: I will do this story the P.O.V way, apparently it is easier but don't worry, its not complicated)

Erza's P.O.V

I woke up this morning, took a shower, put on some clothes and went down to my mom and said "I'm
Going to school" as I continued walking

"Good luck honey" I heard from my mom while I was walking "Why good Luck?" I replied

"Did you forget? You have an exam today" I heard from my mom I totally
forgot about the exam so I said "I did not forget"

Jellal's P.O.V

I was totally going to fail the exam because I did not review "Honey, go faster. You will be late" I
heard from my mom "Right away" I said

I went to go to school and bumped into a red haired girl "Sorry" She said "Its fine"
I replied

She continued walking to school and I followed her


"Good morning, today I am teaching algebra" I heard from the teacher, oh how boring it was! I did not
Understand a single thing!


I'm with my friends Natsu and Gray "Whats the problem Jellal" Gray said while he was
Starring at me "I was just having a hard time with the last subject" I said

"Don't worry bud, Im with you when it comes to math" Natsu said, Atleast
He is with me there "Yeah, but I think your the lowest in any subject" I said

"Well, I was busy watching anime at home that I was thinking of it all
Day" Natsu said. Wow is that really all what he does? "Pfft" I said

Erza's P.O.V


I was sitting with my friends Lucy and Juvia "Same thing we do everyday" Juvia said while
She rolled her eyes "I think it's kinda fun, learning is real good" Lucy said, I disagreed with her

During classes

"I will give the test papers now" I heard from the teacher I sighed and sighed.
After a few seconds the teacher gave us the tests


I was getting harassed by Gajeel, he is such a bully
He was going to punch me but then a boy stood before me and took the hit

"Why, did you do that?" I asked "Because you were getting bullied" He replied

"Get out of my way kid, I was about to punch little Erza here" Gajeel said, I was frightend
And then the boy said "Get out" As he gives Gajeel a death glare

"Fine, Ill be back next time Erza" Gajeel Said while he was walking out the door
"Are you ok? By the way my name is Jellal" Jellal said while I slightly blushed

"My name is Erza, Erza Scarlet" I said "Well nice to meet ya, can we be
Friends" He said while I was going to agree.


Hey every one, yes I finished the first chapter

Jerza story!!!

Hope you enjoyed this story

By the way leave a comment or a suggestion of what you want to see next chapter!
Im still making It

Leave a comment If you see wrong spellings or grammar

Seeyaa in the next chapter

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