She is like a treasure!?

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Jellal's P.O.V

Is it Christmas? Or is it 2 days until christmas
I don't know, but I think its 2 days until Christmas

I did my daily routine, went down, got a kiss from my mom DONT JUDGE,
and went to school

I saw Erza again while I was walking, she wasn't with Gray though
"Hi Erza, Where is Gray?" I asked Her

"I don't know" She replied, did Gray just ditch her like that?
"Maybe he got early" I said

Erza and I kept walking towards school
"Maybe, Gray likes someone else?" I teased her

"No, I believe in Gray" Said Erza
"Geez, It was only a joke" I said to her

School (before class starts)
Erza's P.O.V

I was walking with Jellal and I saw Gray and Juvia together.
"Gray how could you!" Said Jellal loudy

"How could I what?" Asked Gray "Do-do you like Juvia?" I asked
"No" Said Gray "Liar" Said Jellal

"No Jellal, I know he is not lying" Said Erza "Fine, but if I will know,
a punch in the face for him" Said Jellal to me

"I just got here early and then Juvia talked to me" Said Gray
"Ok, Gray I believe you, but if one suspicion, you will be dead" Said Jellal

"Yeah, yeah" Said Gray "Lets continue are talk" Said Juvia
"Sure, why not" Said Gray

I saw Gray and Juvia still talking and I just went with Jellal,
I think he wants a time with Juvia for one moment

"Are you ok Erza?" Asked Jellal, why does he care so much
"Why do you care so much about me, your so nice to me?" I asked

"Hahaha" Jellal laughed and smiled "Whats so funny?" I said
"Because your my best friend, and I treat my best friends nicely" Said Jellal while he gave a smile

"Thanks" I said, he is such a nice guy "No need to thank me, thank
yourself for everything you've done for others, and so I thank you Erza" Said Jellal

"How can you come up with those lines in your head Jellal?" I asked
"It doesn't come from the head, it comes from the heart" He said while he gave a small smile

I blushed I think, I couldn't stop it! I like Gray though, yeah
I like Gray. Or do I? I'm confused

"Jellal" I said while I rolled my eyes
"What" He asked "Thank you" I said to him

"Your welcome" Said Jellal "Don't think about me
too much, I can handle on my own" I said

"You sure?" Jellal Asked "Yes, Im very sure" I said
while I gave a big smile

Jellal's P.O.V

I saw Erza sitting by herself and waiting for Gray, Gray left Erza!
Stupid Gray "Erza where is Gray?" I asked Erza

Natsu comes in and said "Why do you care so much?" Asked Natsu
"Because, she is like a treasure to me" I said and then Gray comes

"Chill dude, I just went to the CR" Said Gray "Oh ok" I said while
I walked away

Erza's P.O.V

Jellal touched my heart when I heard what he said, he said
"Because, she is like a treasure to me" I can't believe it, he is a good friend, a best friend!


Thanks so so so so so much for the support! Especially thank you for Thea (Thedy) who
Supports me always!

Jerza is almost almost happening!

Until next time

Seeeeeyaaaaaaa in the next chapter


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