Our love is no more!?

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Erza's P.O.V

Yes yes yes, Tomorrow is the Christmas Party, Im so excited, I wanna
see the decoration in our classroom because I helped

I did my daily routine and kissed my mom DONT JUDJE and
went to school without Gray again

I walked around to fine Gray but I found Jellal
"Oh hi Jellal" I said "Hi Erza" Said Jellal

I started to walk with Jellal to school because
Gray was not there, maybe he is early now

"Why isn't gray with you again?" Said Jellal "I think he is early again" I said,
did he leave me again?

"Ughhh, stupid Gray" Said Jellal "Don't be that angry with
him, maybe he just decorated?"Oh lets see" he said

They continued walking to school and saw Gray and Juvia kissing
In the gate "Gray" I said while I cried and cried

"Explain now" Said Gray "Erza, don't cry uhm uhm I love you" Said Gray, I
Hate him now "Get out of my sight..............I said Get out" I said while I ran away

"Gray!!!" I heard from Jellal, ugh why Gray why must you do this to me?
Who knew one day before christmas party was terrible! ugh

Jellal's P.O.V

"Gray!!!!" I said loudly "Sorry, I made a mistake of choosing Erza" Said Gray
"Well Gray, she hates you know! Why did you even ask her if you don't like her" I said

"I like her too but I like Juvia more" Said Gray "Fine, go on with your precious Juvia and go, leave"
I said while ai ran to find Erza, how I hate seeing her be sad

I kept running in the forest until I was out of breath, I found Erza just sitting in
beside the puddle while I was hiding in the tree "I hate you Gray!" She shouted and threw a rock

I came in and said "Chill Erza" She looked at me "Oh, hi Jellal" Erza said
"Come on, lets get back or you want me to stay here for you?" I asked

"Yeah, your probably right Jellal, lets go" Said Erza, Erza and I went
to go back to school

"Uhm Jellal" Said Erza "What?" I asked "Do you know where school is because I've been following you
"What! You don't know? I've been following you" I said "Were lost" Said Erza

"Fudge" Said Jellal, while we continued walking west and found are way to Erza's house
"Well, I think I will be absent for the moment" Said Erza "Sure, but don't be absent tomorrow" I said

I continued walking to school while Erza waved at me. When I arrived It was already dismissal, what a
terrible day "You sure you don't like that Erza girl anymore" I heard from Juvia

"Yeah, Our love is no more" I heard from Gray, how could he!
He is not a friend to me anymore


Thanks for the support!

I stopped putting Thedey now because reasons, reasons!

Thanks though for the support and again, I don't hate Grayza I just prefer Jerza more

Until next time


My Heart Beats For No One Else (Jerza)Where stories live. Discover now