I adore your love!?

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Erza's P.O.V

I woke up, knowing that is 3 days until the christmas party, wow
the numbers have gone down so quickly

I did my daily routine and quickly went to school
with Gray by my side

"Are you Ok?" Gray asked me "Of course, I'm just exited" I
said "Exited what?" Asked Gray "duh, 3 days until the christmas party"

"Oh, yeah" Said Gray "Now you know" I said "Come with me"
He said to me "Sure" I replied back, why is he so serious

Somewhere in school (A/N : I can't think of a place)

"We are here, so meet Yukino and Mavis" Said Gray "Is that really you both?" I asked
"Of course" Said both Yukino and Mavis, Rouge and Zeref will flip out

"When are they going to go at the classroom?" I asked "Christmas party" Gray said

"Shhh quiet, someone might hear you" Said Gray
"Sorry" Said Mavis


"Boy, I love this hamburger nom nom nom" Said Jellal while he eats the hamburger
"Stop trying to be disgusting, you are still stuck here" Said Gray

"Fine, what you guys do? Make out ore something" Said Jellal
"Jellal!" Said both me and Gray loudly

"Heh just kidding" Said Jellal "Until Christmas party, your staying with us!"
I said

Jellal's P.O.V

I was just getting board so I said that, this is
my punishment

Well, Natsu is with Lucy shoot I see that Gajeel guy walking toward Erza
"Hey Scarlet, look nice today. it would be ashamed if I" Gajeel said while he punched Erza

"Ouch" Said Erza "you want Fulbaster" Said Gajeel "Don't hit her" Said Gray
"You again, don't you ever learn. Thanks though for making it interesting" I said while I punched

"Dang" Said Gajeel while he walks away "Are you both ok" I said to them
"Thanks dude" Said Gray "Thanks Jellal" Said Erza

"You know I could have done it myself" Said Gray
"I won't let Erza get hit another time" I said

"Thanks Jellal" Said Erza "Jellal, don't steal her from
me" Said Gray "I wont, I promise. I just save friends" I said

"He is such a nice guys" Said Erza "Thats right Jellal,
you can now go any place you want to go Said Gray

"Thanks" I said "What are you waiting for? Go now" Said Gray
"Yeash, so mean, I just saved you from getting punched! Ok bye"I said

"You were too harsh, you know he is only a friend! Not only to me but also
To you" I heard from afar

Erza's P.O.V

Why is Gray so mean, he knows I will choose him
no mater what! I love Gray so much

he should probably know that Jellal and I are best friends,
he is not my boyfriend, I would never cheat on Gray

I adore your love Gray, I will never choose anyone else
than you my love, thanks Gray for what you've done for me


Thank you guys for the support

Again, I like Jerza more than Grayza and this is not a Grayza story it is Jerza, so just wait

Check out ElyssaMaeTumala and TheaFaye4's profile, you may like it!

Thedy is just nothin I say it

Seeyaaaa in the next chapter

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