I wish that someone loves me!?

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Jellal's P.O.V

I was the same red haired girl again, apparently her name is Erza Scarlet
I saw her red hair again thats why I saved her early on this morning

"Are you ok?" I asked "Im fine" she replies, I think she is
Not fine though because I looked into her eyes and saw lies

"The truth?" I asked her "Fine, Gajeel has been bullying me for the past few
Days" She said while I held her hand "Lets go" I said

During classes

Ughh, same boring stuff everyday
I wish something interesting will happen

"Are you listening Jellal?" I heard from my teacher
"No" I said, my teacher really figured it out!

My teacher put me on detention and I saw the Red haired girl, Erza
"Hi Erza" I said "Hi, what brings you here?" She asked

"I wasn't listening in class" I said "Same" she replied
Phew, good thing I'm not the only person that doesn't listen

Erza's P.O.V

I saw that Blue haired guy, Jellal again.
I saw him this morning, we became friends

"Good thing your here, I was getting board" I said
"Yeah me too" He said. I'm glad he is on my side when it comes to boring

"Are you Ok?" Jellal Said "I'm perfecly fine" I said. Did
I space out? Pfft who knows

"What are we going to do to these two classrooms?"
I heard from the teacher "I guess we need to join the 2 classrooms" I heard
From the other teacher

"Did you here that Erza, we are going to join classrooms" Said Jellal, I was
So happy that me and my friends are going to join together Me, Lucy, Juvia and Jellal

"Yeah I heard" I said "I can now meet up with my friends including you" he said,
yes, I'm so happy

Erza's house

"Mom, I'm home" I said to my mom "Dear, what would you like
For dinner?" Asked my mom "Ill skip dinner mom" I said

"Are you sure? You might get hungry" Said my mom
"I'm fine" Said Erza, my mom sometimes annoys me!

I got upstairs, took a shower, changed clothes and went to bed

Jellal's P.O.V

"Dear, what would you like for dinner?" My mom asked me
"Probably chicken" I said

After a long waiting my mom gave me chicken and I ate as fast
as I could. After a few minutes I went upstairs took a shower, changed clothes and went to bed


"Great, school. How I love school" Natsu said, I really know that it is sarcasm
"Stop being sarcastic Natsu" I heard from Gray


"The best thing for school is Lunch every hour" Natsu said, I saw Lucy comeing towards
Natsu "Natsu, I wanted to confess." I heard from Lucy, does she really like Natsu

"Huh" Said Natsu "Natsu, I love you" Lucy said, we were all shocked except for Lucy
"Lucy, I-I love you too" Said Natsu, so cute. I wish that someone loves me too!


Omaygosh, Nalu. Don't hate me because I put Nalu! This is still a
Jerza story

Check out my truth or dare, You can comment to put a dare or truth

Hope you liked the story, It will take a long time to creat the next chapter though
So Its probably going to be about a few days until I make the other Chapter of my Jerza story

I know there is a lot of Grayza fans out there but I like Jerza more, I'm not a hater though.
I would just prefer Jerza for myself

Seeeeyaaaaaaa in the next chapter

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