Was this force!?

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Erza's P.O.V

Today is christmas! I think it is going to be a
sad christmas though

I did my daily routine and went to school
with Jellal again, he seems pretty cute. Wait, what did I say?

Jellal looked into my eyes and I blushed
"Whats wrong Erza?" He asked me "Nothing" I said

"Oh I know" Said Jellal, Jellal held my hand and ran
to school

Jellal is not only charming but handsome also. Wait what?
"Are you ok?"He asked me "Yeah" I said

We continued running and noticed that there is snow
"Wow, snow" I said "Wow, so cool" Said Jellal

We continued running to school,
I saw Gray and Juvia holding hands there.

I quickly ran into school and saw the beautiful christmas decorations,
but Im still sad though! I quickly went to the classroom and took a nap

Jellal's P.O.V

I saw Erza all alone, after lunch is another lunch, but on the
classroom. Ugh, this is a hard decision

Should I ask her out, only to make her happy because she is my best friend, but I
am forced to do it, Im so confused! When do I ask her out?

Ill do it right here, right now! "Hey Erza" I said "Hi Jellal" Erza said
"So, wanna head to the movies later after the christmas party" I asked her

Im only doing this just to make her happy

Erza's P.O.V

Jellal, asking me out? I got a feeling that he likes me, I might like him
too "Sure" I said and Jellal just smiled

"Meet me at 6:00 in the park" Said Jellal "Sure" I said, he is really
nice at asking a girl out, I like him

We ate together while Jellal told some funny jokes hahaha, I laughed
at every joke then we started to go to the classroom

I saw Juvia and Gray again together, but Im not sad anymore because
the guy that really loves me now is Jellal

He helped me before, he is a good friend I think I might have liked him
before too. He is always there for me

We sang christmas songs, ate but I think Natsu ate all the pizza and
we had a good time! This wasn't a sad christmas at all

Park (After christmas celebration)

I walked and walked to find Jellal and I saw this beautiful roses so I followed
them and they eventually led me to Jellal

"Oh, Erza your here. I knew you would follow the roses" Said Jellal, quite
romantic "So, lets go" I said "Where are we going? As long as Im right here with ya Im fine" Said Jellal

"Wow Jellal" I said "Lets head to the movies" Said Jellal, quite funny pick-up lines
"Ok" I said


"This movie is cool" I said "I don't get it! Why don't they just smack him in the face" Said Jellal
"Hahahahahahha Jellal" I laughed and laughed

After the movie Jellal asked me a few I mean a lot of questions
So I just asked him "Where do we go next?" I asked

"Restaurant, don't worry I will pay" Said Jellal
"Where?" I asked "Follow meee" Said Jellal

After a long walk "Jellal, we just keep on going around this building" Said Erza
"Oops, there it is" Said Jellal


We sat there and the waitress came and we took are order
and then after the waitress went I asked Jellal "Is this a date?"

"Maybe" Jellal said while he smiled and I felt myself

Jellal's P.O.V

Ughh, Im going to ask the question after we eat. The waitress came and then served the food
we ate and ate but I saw Erza order like 3 Strawberry cakes wow

We were in the middle of eating and I asked Erza
"Erza, I have this one question. Will........you.........be my................Girlfriend" I asked Her and I blushed

Im just telling this too her because I don't want her to be sad, but was
this force?..................


Hahahah Jerza happening hope you like it

Jerza Jerza Jerza

Thank you guys for the support in this story, took me a while to create this

Luv yu guys so so so much

Until next time

Seeeeyaaaaaa in the next chapter or just Seeeyaaaaa

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