My heart beats for no one else W

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Erza's P.OV

Its Jellal, Im so happy I don't know what to say.
"Im Glad to have you back" I said while I hugged him

He gives a big smile at me and
Asks "Why are you speechless?"

"I-I don't know what to say" I said
"We better listen to teach now" He said


"Let me tell you something" Jellal whispered
"What" I whispered back

"Well I cant play any sports activities except for the ones
that don't need running, and I cant run anymore, but that is not a big deal"He whispered

"Are you kidding me, well at least you don't have to just sit on the bed" I said
to him "Yeah, but hospital beds are air conditioned! Just kidding, I will never do that again" He said

"Haha" I said in a sarcastic voice
"You wan't to go out on a date with me?" He said

"Of course" I said to him

Jellal's P.O.V

It really feels good to be back, I miss school
even though I hate it

Im taking Erza to a place she might want to
eat a lot, Its the CakeCenter restaurant

"Ill pick you up at 6:00Sounds good?" I asked
"Sure" She said


"Freedom" Natsu yawned
"Haha, feels good to be back bro" I said

"We miss you, especially Erza misses you"Natsu
said "I know" I said

~Time skip, 6:07~

I knocked in the door, she came out with a beautiful sparkling
red dress, matches with her hair

"Sorry I was seven minutes late" I said
"Well don't be, Its actually good because I just dressed up haha" she said

Erza's P.O.V

He drove me to a place new, It says "CAKECENTER"

"Yeah" he said while smiling, I love cake so much


"What do you order ma'am?" The waitress asks
"I want 50 cakes, strawberry cakes" I said

"Ill just get one chocolate cake" he said,
"Ok thank you sir and ma'am" the waitress said

"No, thank you for the food" He said
"Yup, your right" I said

As the waitress served the meals, we started
talking about why Jellal suicided

After a successful talk and why he did that,
we continued eating more and I was done

"Lets go?" He asked me
"Where?" I asked

"Movies" He daid
"Count me in" I said

We went to the movies noticed that Its just the two
of us, we were shocked

After a couple hours of watching, it was
done so Jellal said there is one more place we need to go

(A/N : Just kidding guys its not yet the end of this chatpter😂)

He took me to the place when he asked
me can you be my girlfriend, Its crazy right

We went to the exact place, he was so so sweet and
thats why I like him

As I was thinking that he said "So Erza, Remember this
place right, this is the place when we got to be together"

"Of course" I said
"Well slight things changed" he said

"What do you mean?" I asked
"I asked last time, will you be my girlfriend.......But you know whats next"

"Jellal are you serious!?" I asked
"Will you marry me?"I said

"........." Speachless, I was speachless
"Of course Jellal, I love you" I said
Uhm guys, Uuhh you may or may nit hate me for this ending😜

Sorry if this is the ending just wanted to surprise ya

And sorry for not uploading in like 5 weeks straight maybe.
Just long story short

If you want to see a sequal you can comment down below "I want sequal"

If you want More Jerza, check out from TheaFaye4 , she has a
story named "My RedHead" and thats Jerza

If you want Miraxus just look at ElyssaMaeTumala 's

Thanks guys and goooooooodbyyyeeeee

Seeeyaaa in the next chapt........

My Heart Beats For No One Else (Jerza)Where stories live. Discover now