Thank you!?

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Erza's P.O.V

I love Jellal so much, I might even love him more
than I love Gray

I did my daily routine and waited for Jellal to go
come here and pick me up

I saw his car and he smiled at me "Get in" Jellal said
"Why did you bring your car today" I asked him

"So we can be extra early" Jellal said
"Haha Jellal" I said

We drove pass some people walking and I thought
that bringing the car was better


"We are the first ones Erza" Jellal said "Yes, now what do we do?" I asked
"Well, lets walk around" He said to me, we were walking and walking until we found someone

"Sting and Rouge, what the heck are you doing" Jellal asked them
"Uhm ehm.......looking at the total scores and changing it" They both said nervously

"Erza, thats a good Idea" Jellal said "JELLAL, NO CHEATING, well I maybe ca.....
NO, NO CHEATING!" I said the first part loudly, second normal and third loudly

"Ok Erza, wanna report this two?" Jellal asked me "Sure" I said
"No no please, we will do anything for you today" Rouge said "Yeah" Sting followed

"Erza, what do we do with these two?" Jellal asked "Lets think about it
later but lets just have fun now" I said. Me, Jellal, Rouge and Sting had fun

Gray's P.O.V

I'm getting jealous of both of them, Im here watching from afar!
I could tell Erza right now but I don't think she will go with me anymore.

I will think of it

Erza's P.O.V

That was fun, we all had great fun today!
I like that we get to boss around Rouge and Sting

"Ok, you two get to rest" I said "But later, you will listen to us again"
Jellal said, Jellal is really funny


"Erza, I will just get some lunch for us" Jellal said "Sure" I said
while Jellal left

I was all alone until Gray came towards me, he
was sad though

"Why?" I asked him "Its Jellal" Gray said
"What about Jellal?" I asked

"You see, Jellal..." Gray said while I interrupted
"Yeah, Jellal what?" I asked

"Don't rush, Jellal doesn't like you" Gray said
"Hahahaha, nice joke Gray" I said, was it true?

"Im not kidding" Gray said to me "Ok ok, I believe you" I said
in a sarcastic voice

"Want proof? Fine. When you and me broke up, Jellal asked you out right?" Gray
asked "Yeah why?" I asked

"Well, he did not like you, he just don't like you getting sad or anything" Gray said
"No!" Erza said loudly "Ok, I will be going out" Gray said while he got out

Why Jellal, why? I was crying in the table

Jellal's P.O.V

I found lunch and I was going to find
Erza, Im happy that I like her now

I found Erza but she was facing the other way
so I said "Hey Erza, I got lunch"

"Oh yeah yeah" Erza said while I saw her wipe her tears off
"I saw you wipe your tears off Erza, whats wrong? Gajeel?" I asked

"No, nothings wrong" Erza said while she made a smile but she teared back
"Erza!" I said loudly

"Hey Jellal" She said "What?" I asked
"Thank you" She said "Thank you what?" I asked

"Thanks for.................." Erza said


Hey, sup. Im back to old cliffhanger style hehe

Sorry for the cliffhanger, I just needed it hehe

Thanks for the support and check out ElyssaMaeTumala and TheaFaye4 's stories

Seeyaaa next  chapter hehe mwahaha hahaa, sorry for da laugh

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