The right decision!?

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Erza's P.O.V

I cant believe it, he wants to be my boyfriend
"Of course" I said while Jellal smiled

"So, you wanna go home now?" Asked Jellal
"Sure" I said. I literally fell for him

While Jellal drove me to my home, I kissed his cheek and went in my house.
The memories though

Jellal's P.O.V

Well, she kissed me on the cheek. This is not so bad after all.
I drove home and went to sleep

I'm confused why I did this in the first place I mean
I did not like her, I just don't want her to be sad in all

<one day later>I was outside Erza's house, waiting for Erza to come outside
and Erza finally came and they both walked towards school

We both walked and talked and then someone arrived
"Are you two like together now?" Natsu asked us "Yeah" We said both

"Oh yeah, prove it. Kiss right here right now" Natsu said while I was blushing and
Erza was too, the thing is Erza likes me but I don't like her so I will just go with it

"Erza, are you good of our first kiss?" I asked her "I don't mind" Erza told me" As soon as Erza said that I lifted her
and closed my eyes as I was going closer and closer to her as my lips touched Erza's lips

"Ok, I believe you" Natsu said, I can't believe he made me do that although Erza is kinda cute and beautiful when blushing, wait what did I just say!?

Me and Erza just continued walking until Gray stood before us
"Erza, I was just kidding! I love you" Gray said to Erza "Get out of her sight Gray, She is mine" I said

"Well, who do you pick Erza?" Asked Gray "ENOUGH GRAY, LETS GO JELLAL!" Erza said so loudly
while I just gave Gray a death glare, I wont let Gray break Erza's Heart again


I was telling Erza some funny jokes then Gajeel came and went straight to punch my face, I got punched
,so I punched him back we fought and then "STOP" Said both Levi and Erza, so we stopped

"Jellal, come with me" Erza said while she held my hand "Gajeel come to me" Levi said while she held Gajeel's hand

Gajeel's P.O.V

Ugh, this blue girl just stopped me from having a fight "Whats the matter?" I asked her
"Gajeel, I-I, I like you" Said Levi, I was shocked that someone that beautiful likes me!

"I like you too" I said to her and I think I made the right decision


Srry guys for the short chapter

And Don't worry, I will be putting Yukino and Mavis next Chapter

Sorry too if you don't like the story, just tell me what's wrong Ill fix it

Until Next time

Seeeeyaaaaaa in the next chapter

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