Glad to be here again

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Erza's P.O.V

Juvia is now and again, my best friend.
She wasn't that mean, she just liked Gray

"Did Gray break up with you?" I asked her
"No, I did" Juvia said

"Why did you do that?" I asked her
"Because, I remembered about our friendship" she said

"Your really a good friend but you don't need to do that for me" I said
"Its the only way we can be friends again" she said

"Oh Juvia, we were friends before, who cares if a boy
breaks are friendship, we will just get back again" I said

"Thank you so much Erza, your really a good friend,
but how am I going to get Gray back with me again?" She asked

"Leave it to me" I said

Juvia's P.O.V

Im wearing this dress that looks so amazing,
it glitters, it sparkles and it is comfortable

Erza left me at the place where Gray usually eats,
I sat beside Gray and started talking to him

And then, the main thing happens "Gray, I like
you, I just broke up with you because, Im friends with Erza" I said

"She is always there for me and she is a good friend,
for example, she gave me this dress" I continued

"I broke up with you because I don't want to ruin
me and Erza's Friendship" I continued

"Oh Juvia, I forgive you. Lets go to the movies later,
lets hope that there is no assignment so we could have fun more" Gray said

"Haha, thats really funny" I said
"Erza is a real nice person, Jellal really fits her" Gray said

"I know right, they are perfect for each other, JERZA!" I shouted
"Haha, ship name" Gray said

Erza's P.O.V

Im here watching from a far distance but I
heard "Jerza" What the heck is that

At least they are getting along pretty well,
my work here is done.


"Okay class dismissed" the teacher said,
the best word a teacher can say

I went outside, started to go to the hospital,
It was a long walk


Okay, I found Jellal's room. I went in
and saw no one there, I thought maybe Jellal went to the doctor somewhere

I just went home and ate a lot because
I was so flipin hungry and I don't know why

~Time skip, Tomorrow~

I woke up, did my early routine
and when going outside to walk to school, I noticed I was so late

I ran and ran to school


I went in the room, I almost got late and just
sat there wiping my sweat

I waited for long and now the teacher checked
attendance, good thing I went in time

While checking the attendance, I saw a guy
with a mask coming towards me, he has some chocolate boxes

I cant Identify him, but he has flowers in his hand,
as soon as he got to me, he unmasked himself and said "Glad to be here again"


95% of you guys know who this mystery guy is😂

Imma fudging use that for thumbnails 😂 JK (Just kidding)

But seriously, comment if you know who this is but don't tell the answer

But answer this though, In a battle with Macarov and Jura, who will win?

Thats a tough question that I can't answer

Seeeyaaaa in the next chapter BTW I don't know how to end the story😂


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