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Erza's P.O.V

I just woke up early, knowing that its three
days till the Christmas party. Im so exited!

I think they will plan a great christmas party this year, I just think.
I heard my mom open the door, so I fake slept.

Before school starts

"Hi Erza" I heard from afar, I looked behind me
and saw Jellal again standing right there

"Hi Jellal" I said to him "Hi Erza" He replied
"Why, don't you call me later" Said Erza

"Sure, whats the number?" He asked while I gave him the number
"Hey, what you guys talking about here?" Asked Gray "Nothin much" Said Jellal

"Erza, come with me" Said Gray, I was totally freaked out that my crush tells me
to come with him "Sure" I said in a nervous tone

"Can you help me decorate our classroom Erza?" Asked Gray, And
Of course I said "Yes"

During classes

"Ok class, so the two sections will be joining together in one section and please
stop kissing Natsu and Lucy" Said the teacher

"Sorry" Said Both Natsu and Lucy, those two are lovebirds.
The two classes joined together

"Ok I will be arranging the seat plan now" Said The teacher (A/N: Btw the teacher is Gildarts)

Natsu      Lissana      Lucy      Sting      Jellal Erza      Gray      Juvia      Evergreen On line 1
Gajeel      Levi           Cana     Mira       Laxus     Wendy    Romeo   Elfman On line 2
Rouge      Zeref       Leone       Leo        Arise        Cancer    Virgo  Libra On line 3

(A/N: Sorry if there are wrong spellings, DONT JUDGE!!!)


Jellal's P.O.V

"Where is Gray?" I asked Natsu "he is with Erza over there on that table" Said Natsu, and then
Lucy came "Hey Natsu, lets sit over there" Said Lucy "Sure" Said Natsu

Great, I'm a loner over here I sighed and sighed
and I just ate lunch

Gray's P.O.V

Is this it? Am I finally winning over Erza!
"Gray, there is something I'm willing to tell" Erza told me

"What?" I asked her, I was freaking out at that point "I like you"
Said Erza while she blushed and I was shocked and I slightly blushed too.

"I like you too" I said, I cant believe it! "So does this mean we are now
Finally together?" Asked Erza "Of course" I replied back

I did not know 5 days until Christmas party was good luck!
I like Erza because she is beautiful


Again, I luv you guys so much and I hope you liked
The story

This is Not a Grayza story, this is Jerza! Just wait for the right moment

Again, I don't hate Grayza, I just like Jerza more!

But I like Nalu, Nalu forevs

Btw my favorite character is Natsu

Hope you enjoyed the story

Seeyaaa in the next chapter

(Thedy) mwahahaha, don't kill me ples

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