For that, I love you!?

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Erza's P.O.V

"Calm down, we are not so sure yet!" Rouge said
"What do you mean?" I asked

"The doctor is going to come her later" Rouge said
"Uhm Rouge, there he is" Sting said

"What happened here?...... Never mind that, he stabbed
himself in a dangerous spot to stab"  Said the doctor

Jellal, Im so so so sorry for this. I did not
believe you, this is all my fault

The doctor quickly took Jellal to the hospital
and I as the doctor drove Jellal away the teacher suspended us

I quickly went home and ignored my mom
and I went to my bedroom, covered a pillow on my head and cried

Gray's P.O.V

"What, so your telling me that Jellal died?" I asked Rouge
"Yes" he said

"Suicide?" I asked "Well, not clearly sure that he is dead,
its just the doctor, the doctor said that Jellal stabbed himself in a dangerous area" Rouge said

"Well, I think its all my fault" I said "Why" Rouge asked
"I told Erza the truth of Jellal, witch Im not going to tell you" I said

"Fine, but watch out because if Jellal
really died, your dead to me" Rouge said

Jellal's P.O.V

I could only see darkness until I finally
woke up with incredible pain on my chest

I held my chest but a tight rubber like thing was covering
it from the blood loss

I couldn't move, because if I did, I will
be on incredible pain

Erza's P.O.V

I really hope that Jellal is alright,
I will go to him, where is he?

Oh yeah, the doctor's car has something
written on it "Saber Hospital" is what it says

I went outside to find Saber Hospital, I looked
on my google map

I finally found where it is now I'm heading
straight for Saber Hospital

Saber Hospital

I quickly asked a random doctor where
Jellal is

The doctor finally said the directions so
I went to the third floor and the room where Jellal is

I opened the door and saw Jellal, his chest was covered
up by a rubber like thing

"Who, who is there?" Jellal asked, I cried and cried
and I said "Its me, Erza"

"Oh, hi Erza. Oh yeah, Im just a big rat to you" Jellal said
"No Jellal, I noticed. You love me" I said

"Oh, ok. Im not the right guy for you anyways" Jellal said
"You are perfect for me Jellal" I said

"Proof?" Jellal asked "Fine, you want proof? Here is some proof" I said
while I looked down, leaned towards him and I kissed him, he kissed back

"There you have it" I said "You really do love me" Jellal said while he smiled
"What do you need? Anything" I asked/said "I need a poem" Jellal teased me

"Fine, Roses are Red, Your hair is blue, you may be wondering, is that true?
but from here I say, I love you, this is my confession, for me and for you,
stop acting weird, say I love you too" I said

"Haha, nice one. A poem that tells who you love, and for the last
part of that poem, for that, I love you too" Jellal said


Hey guys! Comment down who thought that Jellal died hheheh

Thx for the support

Seeeyaaaaa next chapter

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