She does not know

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Jellal's P.O.V

"Thanks for being my friend and not letting me be sad" Erza said,
I was confused so I said "Your welcome?"

"Jellal, Im Im............. Breaking up with you" Erza said, I was shocked and
I was all sad inside "But why?" I asked

"I know that your forcing yourself to love me" Erza said
"But, but I love you now! Last time, I was forced, but now I love you" I said

"Forget it Jellal, we are still best friends" Erza said to me
"Erza, Gray was right before but now he is not" I sad

"Really, don't be forced" Said Erza "I will prove
it" I said while I leaned towards her

She pushed me back, turning her head and
saying "Jellal, its over"

I shed tears ones she left and I went
to the table by myself

Ughh, she left me, I really really love
her because she is nice, beautiful, cheerful and sweet

I hate my life for this, what have I
done? Im such a cruel person

Well, the tables have turned! I like her
but she doesn't love me

I sat down the chair, all alone and then I started to
feel guilty about it

I decided to go with Sting and Rouge because they
will do whatever I say

"Rouge, Sting, can I have this one final request?" I
asked them

"Sure" Rouge said, I went to go outside and they
followed me

"You have any sharp objects?" I asked
"Yeah, this knife here. Its my lucky knife, I bring it all day" Sting said

"Good, now I want you to KILL ME!" I said loudly because what
is the point in life where I feel so guilty and loose my love

"ARE YOU NUTS?!" They both asked loudly
"Do it" I said

"No" Rouge said "Yeah, we won't do it" Sting said
"Fine, give me the knife" I said

I quickly took the knife and stabbed myself with it, after that,
I saw nothing but darkness

Erza's P.O.V

I just can't take it, am I not beautiful enough to be
Jellal's girlfriend?

Maybe Im just a girl that has no point
in life except that let people happy

I don't know whats going on out there because there was loads of students and
teachers crying, I just ignored them and went back to eating

I liked being with Jellal, it is actually better than
being with Gray, I will no longer be together with someone

It took so long for the crowd to go out but I still
ignored it

Jellal's P.O.V

Darkness, all I could see is darkness
until I couldn't move a bit, she does not know

Erza's P.O.V

It's taking so long, at least a longer lunch but I will
ask what is going on here

I asked Sting what is going on and he
said "Jellal suicided"

I was all sad and I cried, cried
and cried more than I have cried before

Jellal really did love me, Jellal wouldn't lie
"JELLAL!" I said loudly..............


Sorry again for the cliffhanger

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Seeeyaaa in the next chapter guys

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