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Erza's House, Erza's P.O.V

I woke up early, Happy knowing that 4 days till the christmas party
and that me and Gray are together.

My phone began to ring and I answered

"Hello" I heard from my phone

"Hi Jellal" I said to him

"So, I heard that you and Gray are BFs and GFs now" I heard from Jellal

"Yeah, it was really romantic" I said

"Wish you good luck, and I wish your relationship will not end" Said Jellal

"Thanks Jellal" I said. Jellal is such a charming and nice guy

"Ok, seeya later" Jellal said

"K, bye" I said while I ended the phone call

"Dear, your almost late" I heard from my mom "Oh, Ok" I said.
I went to the bathroom, took a shower and then did my daily routine

"Bye mom" I said to my mom "Bye, honey" She said
while I was continually walking towards the door

"Oh, hi Erza" Said Gray. How did he even get here? How? So I asked him
"How did you find my house?"

"Don't ask" he replied

Jellal's P.O.V

I was continually walking towards school and saw Gray and Erza together
I had an idea, I was going to tease them

"So, you two going to make out?" I teased them "JELLAL!" They both said loudly
well actually, they said it like so loud

"Just teasin ya" I said "Don't do that again" Said Erza
"For that, your going to come with us" Said Gray

"Sorry, I don't want to be between you two" Said Jellal
"Whether you like it or not! Its your punishment" Said Erza, I got scared

"Fine, but I'm bringing Natsu" I said "No, just you" Said Erza.
Man, I hate saying that but I guess she said no

In school (Before Class starts)

"What? Evergreen and Elfman are now together?" I asked "Yes,
I pretty much adore it" Said Rouge "Thats right" Said Zeref

Zeref did a high five with rouge "What about you Zeref, who do you like?" I asked
"Mavis, but she left the school" I heard from Zeref

"I like yukino, but she left too" Said Rouge "I like Lucy" Said Sting
"Sorry bud, she is mine" Said Natsu "I like Erza" Said Gray

"Wowowowow wait, I just asked one guy and everyone confessed.....Srsly" I said,
Srsly though, why do people do that

"We be good" Said Natsu "Natsu, Arm wrestling for Lucy" Said Sting
"Game on" Said Natsu "Natsu, Im already yours" Said Lucy

Lucy kissed Natsu and Natsu kissed Lucy back
"NALU!" Every one screamed except for Natsu, Lucy and me

People are going nuts. Thinking of random names to
fit in each other! "Seriously guys" I said

"Well at least we are together" Said Erza
"Together Forever" Said Gray, so cheezy though


Hope you liked it!

Sorry if there are too many ships, too many ships

Again and again, this is not Grayza this is Jerza. Im just mixing it up a bit

Comment and suggestion please

Check out my story "Fairytail truth or dare (Lots of ships)" and comment what you like

Check out "The perfect girl for the perfect boy" too

Until next time, seeeeyaaa in the next chapter

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