Our love is not fake!?

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Jellal's P.O.V

I cant believe Im doing all of this things just for the sake
of my best friend

I went to Erza's house, waited for her to come outside
and she went outside wearing a dress

"Why are you wearing a dress?" I asked her "Did you forget? This day is prom day"
She said while I was shocked "I forgot" I said "Meet me at school later, get changed" Erza said

I went back home, quickly changed and drove my car just so its faster


"Erza, Im here" I said "Come faster, Mira and Laxus are going to kiss" Erza said
"Wow really, The most popular girl and boy in school are together now" I said

"Here it comes" Erza said and the crowd got wild, Mira and Laxus

"Aww, so cute" Erza said, Mira and Laxus are the perfect match
"Erza, there you are" Said Gray "Back off" I said "Im only going to say sorry" Gray said

"Be quick" I said while I gave Gray a death glare
"Erza, Im sorry. I just love Juvia more than you back then, now I love you more" Gray said

"Too late, I already like someone" Erza said
"And Jellal, I know what your doing but I wont tell Erza" Gray whispered to me

"How did you know" I whispered back "By the look of your
face when you two kissed" Gray whispered to me

Oh no, Gray knows! I will be the second guy to break Erza's heart
"Just don't tell ok" I whispered to Gray "Yeah, yeah" he whispered back

"Erza, lets go" I said "Where?" She asked me
"Just follow me" I said. Maybe I can find a way to fall in love with her

Erza's P.O.V

Jellal is taking me somewhere. I think he is heading for the field, I don't know
why, there's a prom today. he is wasting time!

"Ww are here" Jellal said "Wow, beautiful" I said
"But not as beautiful as you" Jellal said

"How do you come up with this lines?" I asked
"From the heart" He said, he is really charming, cute and very handsome

"So, is that why you took me here?" I asked"No. I have this one
question for you.....................Will you go to the prom with me" Jellal said while he smiled

"Oh Jellal, you know you don't need to do that, you know that you did not need to
ask me" Erza said "At Least I get to say how I love you" Jellal said while I smiled and blushed a little

"Why do I think that your just doing this so I wont get sad from the break up?" I
Asked "Erza, Erza, Erza, Our love is not fake" Jellal said

Jellal's P.O.V

Is it too obvious? Everyone is finding out, oh what have I done? I just
tried to make her happy

"Come, lets go to the prom" I said "My pleasure" Said Erza
"Hey Erza" I said "What" she asked

"Love ya" I said "Me and you forever" She said


Mwahaahahaha, evil laugh for no reason but oh my gosh I just noticed
I did many chapters not including the important part but I'm going to make this
Story extra extra extra extra long. Maybe, maybe not

Jerza, for life and Nalu too

Thanks for the support, it has been one day since I uploaded

Check out my "Fairytail Truth or Dare (Lots of ships)" Many people helped me including
my friends, so leave a comment there so I can make a dare or truth!

Anyways, check out my "The perfect boy for the perfect girl" story too

Gale coming after this story is done

Seeeyaaaa next chapter

Geeze, this extra is long! ok bye

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