The best worst day. *

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Currently In process of re-writing and improving this story as I wrote it over a year ago. Any chapter with a '*' next to it has been re-written Xx

Quickly tugging down my gray tank as an attempt to display the tiny bit of cleavage I have, I walked into the room, this was it, we'd made it to the last part of the queue. Two of the few purposes I have in my life are only a few meters away. Taking in deep breaths I tried to calm my pounding heart. Looking up my eyes we're instantly drawn to him, I took in every mesmerising detail as if he was a drug and I was an addict who hasn't seen any in far too long. His beauty was indescribable, so beyond my range of vocabulary. I took that time to take in every detail and imprinted it into my mind, I never wanted to forget any feature that made up his beyond perfect face. And in all honest he was perfect from head to toe, his chiselled jaw, his hazel eyes with green flecks, the adorable dimples upon the side of his cheeks and the sweet little mole upon his chin.

Jess squeezed my hand in excitement, it was almost our turn. As he turned to look who was next in line, our eyes met, I held his gaze for what felt like eternity but what couldn't have been more than a few seconds. The tranquility broken by his brother, Ethan, taping him lightly on the shoulder. I closed my eyes savouring every bit of the moment I just shared with my idol. I had always believed that you can tell everything from a persons eyes and no doubt what I saw in Grayson was pure lust and it was directed towards me.

Jess tugging my hand brought me out of my daze to realise we were next in line. The hammering of my heart made it extremely hard to keep my breathing at a steady rate, desperately concentrating on the ability to move my legs because it seems being such close proximity to him made that rather impossible. I hadn't even spoken to him and already my body was jelly and my mind a pile of gloop. Getting my act together I finally  walked up to Grayson, unable to hide the big goofy grin on my face.

'Hey.' It was the first time I heard his voice in person, it was husky and deep just the way I thought it would be. I leaned in for a hug and I was instantly overthrown by his aftershave, it was strong and smelt, well...masculine. Grayson towered over me, normally I would feel rather weak in this position, growing up with few male figures has consequences. Once you get older trusting men is hard. My dad was the only male in my life, however he was still short and cuddly, much like a teddy bear, he couldn't scare anyone. Although standing beneath Grayson my heart fluttered for all the right reasons. I was on the point of toes just for me to be able to reach my arms around his neck. Embedding my face in his chest, I breathing in his scent. He began to pull away but he kept close, looking down at me I was unable to read his expression, he seemed... confused.
Still I scanned his face wanting to imprint him in my mind forever incase I never got the opportunity to again.

What happened next was what let me star struck. He leant down, I expected to just to bring me in for another hug but to my Surprise he whispered something in my ear.
Just the one word sent shivers down my spine. For a moment I stood perplexed, my mind not cooperating with my body but before I knew it my body had followed his command. Wrapping my legs round his waist I entangled my arms around his neck. His hands began at the small of my back but soon made there way down until he was firmly clasping my ass. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks but there was no doubt I was in pure ecstasy.

Our faces were now millimetres away from each other. Our breaths mingled, we were once again lost in each other's eyes. For me the rest of the world faded away, it was just me and him. His eyes were my escape. I loved watching the green flecks dance around in a pool of hazel. He leant in just slightly so the tip of our lips were touching. Unable to suffer the torment any more I took the plunge and Leant in to close the gap, our lips sealing in perfect harmony.

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