Best friends in life and death*

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Comon' comon' comon'
'Welcome to voicemail for 310..'
I cut the phone dead, this must have been the fifth time I've phoned Ethan today, maybe he's choosing to ignore me after the Gray and Danni situation. Just thinking about her made my heart drop.
A silent tear trickles down my cheek. I walked back inside into the heaving hospital and went straight into the closest bathroom. Turning on the tap I splashed my face with the cool water. I need to calm down, after seeing Danni in the state she was I couldn't cope.
God I wish I could take back everything I said.

The last words she ever heard from me was 'I'm done with your bullshit.' It began to sink in how harsh those words were for someone in her situation was.

I know Danni had been having a hard time, I knew how she felt I just never thought she could actually go through with it. I'll never be able to tell her how sorry I am. Danni was my world. She was more than a best friend. She stuck with me through all my boy drama. Danni was my sister, we didn't need anyone else.
I faintly smiled at the memories. I thought back to a early last year, before everything  turned on its head.
My boyfriend, Aaron, had just broken up with me. He was my first. I know, I know. But we were together since we were 12, it had been three years, I was hopelessly in love with him. I was a mess, refused to get out of bed and to make it worse I got a visit from aunt flow (the joys of being female).

She got a cab to the shop and bought me shit tons of food and came and brought it to me. She then slept the night and listened to me blabber. She may have annoyed me but Danni had always been there for me. I began to tear up again thinking about me never hearing her voice again.

No I refuse to let myself think like that, she's in a coma, she's not dead. Danni's a strong girl, she'll get through this! I have to believe because right now that's the only thing I have to hold onto. Seeing Danni in that state will forever be burned in my memory. Her face was ghastly pale, her hair was mangled and laid limp by her shoulders. When I first saw her in the hospital gown, laying down with her eyes closed, for a while I did think she was dead.
And at that moment I had never felt such a pain in my heart.
My world shattered.
I will never be able to forgive myself, I'm part of the reason she tried.. She tried to kill herself.

I look up to see my bare face, I had big bags under my eyes. Truth be told I'd had trouble sleeping since I got back from London.
The fight with Danni really got to me. I was still wearing my pyjama's. Danni's sister phoned me around 11:30 pm but once she told me what happened my mum drove me straight over. My hair was in a messy bun on top of my head. I really should go home and get changed, it's now midday but I didn't  want to leave her here, not even for five minutes. Her sister had to go back to work, as much as she wanted to stay the bills have to be paid.

I pulled out my phone again and text my mum to bring me a night bag with some clothes, a hairbrush, a tooth brush and my phone charger. I hit send and was about to put my phone away just as my stomach rumbled. I opened up my contacts again and asked my mum to grab me some McDonald's on the way. I splashed my face once more before leaving to go see Danni again.

Thought you would want to know if Danni actually died. Well she hasn't.. Not yet at least 😉 vote and add to your library! Comment your opinions ❤️ Ty

~My Only~ (G.D & E.D)Where stories live. Discover now