Final goodbyes*

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'what the fuck do you mean I can't go in!? He's my brother! I said move. Out. The. Fucking. way.'
I could hear Ethan yelling at one of the security guards I had paid from the tour to guard my door. I just stared up at the ceiling. I just want him to leave. Tears threatened to fall but I had to be strong, for me, for Ethan, for everyone.

'Grayson! I know you can hear me! What's going on? Why won't they let me in? Bro!' I could hear him banging on the window next to the door.

'At the request of Mr Dolan he said no one is allowed in his room apart from medical staff especially not you and your mother otherwise he will refuse medical treatment.' The banging stopped, it was silent for a few moments before Ethan spoke again.

'Gray is that true?' His voice was quite, he sounded distraught. It took everything inside of me to answer what I did next

'Yes Ethan, I don't need you or mum. You all need leave leave and go to America. If you haven't left from outside my room within the next two minutes I won't take any of my medication.'

It was once again quiet outside, it was like that for a few moments before I heard Ethan stomp off in a fury. I whispered him my final good byes as tears trickled down my cheeks

--- Ethan ---
I can't explain my fury, me and Gray are fucking brothers, we are never away from each other. I can't leave him, not right now. Not when he can die.

Jess stood in front of me down the corridor. By the look on her face I could tell she knew something was going on. I ran straight into her arms, right now she is the only person who can comfort me. Resting my head on hers
I breathed in her sent, it was purely intoxicatingly.

She pulled away but only slightly.
'What's wrong?' Her voice was thick with empathy, something made me think she knows more than she's letting on.

Taking a deep breath and wracking my hand through my hair I quietly answered, it still hasn't sank in.

'Grayson's making me go back to America or he won't receive the transplant' tears began to well in my eyes, we told each other everything.

She lowered her head, now I know she knew about this.

'Jess, what the fuck do you know!?' I quickly pulled back feeling betrayed. Tears began to well in her eyes.

'He spoke to me when you were talking to your dad, he said he needs you to go back to America to help him clear his conscience. He said something about the transplant being his fault but cancer not being your dads.

'Of course it's not his fault! He was born with a fucking liver problem. I can't leave him... Or you.'

'You don't have to! I'm coming with you. When I left I went to go tell you but you and your mum were deep in conversation so I went to buy the tickets.' She looked down the floor 'the flights tomorrow.'

I looked at her in disgust, she knows how close me and Grayson are. She didn't even speak to me about it. I turned away unable to look at her.

'Ethan, please. It's what he wanted, he said you need to be with his dad. He's going to share a room with Danni. I didn't jump at the opportunity! I felt the same was as you but you and me need to respect his wishes.'

I turned round to face her, my heart was in two because of both Jess and Gray.
'Jess I just can't do this any more, I can't believe you would do that but if it's what Grayson wants then we'll go but don't think you're forgiven. I'm not going to be the one to tell my mum, she'll be distraught.'

Jess nodded, she gripped at my hand. As much as I wanted to pull away the feeling of her hand in mine comforted me to a level I cannot explain.

I'm so fucking tireddddd so excuse the many mistakes 🤷‍♀️

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