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--Jess's PoV--

Gulping I glance round the hotel room, a large double bed with a chestnut frame lay in the middle. The walls were covered in extremely detailed and expensive silvery looking wall paper. All the furniture was a a deep chestnut, the most stunning vanity table stood next to the bed. Possibly the biggest mirror I've ever seen was hung on the wall opposite the wall, I was in heaven.

I looked over at Ethan I awe, he decided to book us into a five star hotel instead of the family home so his mum didn't have to worry about providing for us.

I leant in to give him a kiss, this place was beyond beautiful. His hands gripped firmly on my ass. My hands gripped the hair at the nape of his neck.


I wrapped my legs around his defined torso, Ethan swiftly moved us over to the bed. My position shifted as he straddled over me.

He tugged on the ends off my shirt, within seconds my top was off. Ethan slowly began to trace kisses down my neck, his tongue began to trace my collar bone following it down until he reached the area just above my breast.

My hands slid up his top, tracing his chiselled physique. Momentarily stopping he yanked off his shirt allowing me freedom to roam his body. Within seconds his mouth was back on mine. His hands tracing the outline of me.

One of his hands slid behind my but, the other unclipped my bra exposing my bare chest. His tongue traced my nipple before he began gently sucking and nibbling on it. My back arched in pure ecstasy.

My phone ringing in my back pocket momentarily broke the tranquility.

'Ignore it' his voice was husky and his breath was ragged.

He grabbed my phone and threw it across the room.

His mouth continued to trail down my body, stopping at the waistline of my jeans. He tongue dipping just below.

'Ethan' I warned, I can't have him playing games with me.

I felt him smirk against my bare stomach before his lips connected with mine again. My hands trailed down his back, my nails gripping into his skin.

My hands fumbled with his Jean buttons, I quickly tugged them down needing us to be as close as possible. Helping me he kicked them off.

I began to yank at mine, I desperately needed him. He laughed against my lips.

His mouth was once again down at the waist band of my jeans. He slowly tugged them down, teasing me. His fingers traced the outline of my thong before he swiftly removed them.

His mouth back on mine he removed his boxers, aligning himself to my entrance.

He gently pulled away.

'Ready?' He raised his brow in question, he new this was my first.

I briefly nodded, that was all he needed his mouth connected with mine as he entered. Pain rocketed through my body and Ethan could tell.

At first his thrusts were slow but soon the quickened and his pace picked up as he grew more desperate. My teeth dug into his neck trying to hold back a moan.

'Fuck Jess, you're tight!'

That was all I needed, a high pitch moan
encased past my lips. My back arching. I could tell I needed him. My nails clawing at his back.

'Shit! Faster Ethan!'

He plunged back inside of me, it pained me but at the same time it was the most enjoyable experience.

I could tell both of us were near our climax, his mouth found themselves back on my boobs. That was it.


I felt the warm liquid release inside of me, we both climaxed at the same time.

Ethan flopped onto the bed next to me.

'Fuck Jess, if I new I could have had you I would have waited and made you my first.'

His hands wrapped around my waist, my head against his bare chest.


'Yes Jess?' His voice was raspy, it was pure heaven.

'We didn't use a condom.'

'Don't worry baby girl, It'll be fine.'


'Forgiven' he leant forward giving me a peck on the cheek, now this is paradise.

Ok so I'm not good at smut, but you seemed to like the elevator chapter... Please vote and comment ❤--- dudeee this was some cringy ass shit to writeeeee

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