The end of the begining*

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Letting out a sign I stared down at my lifeless phone. After a few more minutes I turned to Jess who was snuggled up in bed watching tv, I use the word 'watched' leniently, I'm sure I could change the channel and she wouldn't  notice, she was transfixed by something on her phone.

Not out of thirst but out of boredom I switched on the kettle and grabbed a mug from underneath the cabinet.

'Jess do you want a hot chocolate'
With still no reply I waked round to the side of the bed and waved my hand in front of her phone in attempt to drag her attention away for a few short moments, however I didn't get the reply I was after, lightly swatting my hand away she murmured something incomprehensible. Deciding I couldn't be bothered with the effort I left her be and went to finish making my drink.

Once comfortably sat back at the vanity table next to the wardrobe I stared down in desperation while sipping away at froth on the top of my drink. Getting  a little fed up I began to fiddle in attempt for petty entertainment, drumming my nails on the table I continued to wait for it to spring back to life. Finally giving up I left my phone for the night and hopped into bed. Jess was half asleep next to me, her phone still firmly attached to her when which was dangling over the bed. Priding the phone from her fingers I placed it on the bed side table between us and turned the light off.

When I woke my phone fully charged (thank the Lord), I realise that there's a text from Grayson.
I unlock my phone and begin to read the message:

Grayson: Hey Danni, Ethan and I will be in London for a bit longer, do you and your friend want to hang out with us for the day?

I leap up off of the bed and grab Jess' arm "READ THIS!!" I squealed.
Jess picks up my phone then throws it at me in excitement "OH MY GOD!" She screams. "REPLY THEN!"
"I DONT KNOW WHAT TO REPLY!'" I scream back
Interrupting our screaming match there was a loud knock at the door and some muffled laughing. We stop screaming and stare at each other in confusion. "I think whoever is there is laughing at us" I said to Jess. "Ill go open the door & see who it is" Jess says whilst getting up.

I get out  still in my pajamas with my my hair in a messy but I jump up out of bed and walk towards the door, and open it. I glance up and see Ethan and Grayson; Ethan with his hand over his mouth, trying to muster his laughter & Grayson blushing, the corners of his mouth turned up, his left dimple visible.
"Uhh, I saw Danni read my DM" Grayson muttered.
"I think the whole hotel heard that Danni read the text" Ethan laughed
"Ethan!!" Grayson said elbowing him in his side. He turned to face E and gave him the warning look. (You know the one where you're about  to bite someone's head off.) Ethan quickly snapped out of it .
'Anyway, we were gonna go for a walk round Leicester Square.' He hesitated, his eyes bypassing me and landing on Danni behind me. 'Would you two like to come?' He carried on feeling like he needed to justify himself 'It'll only be for 2 or 3 hours because we need to film The video for tomorrow.' Gray stared lovingly at Danni, without even giving her a glance to see if she wanted to go I answered
'Sure! We would love to come! We will come to your room when we're ready' I shut the door without saying good bye because I know Danni is about to blow.
'JESS!?!? What about me?! Maybe I don't want to go! I can't believe you would answer for me like that!' I could tell she was joking by the sly smile plastered in her.
I rolled my eyes and her and replied to her in the same joking tone
'Oh shut up Danni, hurry and get ready cause we're going' 

Less than an hour later we stood outside of room 301. My heart felt like it was in my throat. Could I do this? Could I publicly go out with Grayson? Of course I wanted to spend time with him but he's going to be swarmed with fans. I know I shouldn't be but saying that I would be jealous, there was no doubt about it. Jess growing impatient leant over my shoulder and knocked for me.

~My Only~ (G.D & E.D)Where stories live. Discover now