Making it right*

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I sat at the Mac that I had set up on the desk in the hotel room, I finally finished editing. It's 8pm here but it needs to be released as soon as possible. Danni can't get all the blame for this shit. I hesitantly pressed play. This is the 20th time I've watched it, it just needs to be perfect.

They sit on the edge of the perfectly made hotel bed. Both still in the same clothes as earlier.
Both: We're back!
Ethan: Something new today, this video will mainly be Gray talking. I know we keep our videos light hearted but occasionally we need to have more serious conversations  with you'll.
He Looks at Gray who has his head down. He clears his throat and hesitantly chews on his lip.
Ethan gets up slowly and exits to the right.
Grayson: so yesterday an image got out of a meet and greet in London. Many of you now know it was a girl named Danni Oliver. I saw her post on her fan account and I needed to post this as soon as possible. Danni is lying. This video will be what really happened.

We had only really Just started meet and greet, I scanned to room to see how many people were there and my eyes were drawn to Danni. I was transfixed. I know she felt the same. When it was her turn my heart was in my throat. (His voice cracked) I don't even know why. I've never met her. She just seemed.. Special. The connection between us grew the closer together we got.'

He stopped, smiling into the distance.

'Grayson: She was the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes one. Her big, doughy, baby blue eyes stared up at me adoringly. A goofy grin was plastered on her lips. Having her in my arms was heaven. I couldn't let go. Danni felt like she fitted there perfectly, nestled in my chest. She had a sweet, floral perfume on. My mind took control, I need her closer and soon she was in my arms. Our faces were so close. I remember staring longingly at her plum lips, it took everything in me not to close the gap and it looks like Danni wanted the same thing as me and did it for me. When our lips touched my breath hitched. The silkiness of her lips gliding along mine. But I new it was wrong, I had to pull away or I would have done something I would have regretted. I pushed her away too far and she fell. That's what happened. Danni knew there was a connection. She lied to help me because she knows how you guys feel about us having relationships. We love you with all our hearts but please if you love us let us be happy, Danni makes me happy. Please stop the hate, it's not fair on her. Both me and Ethan have been bullied and it's something we're strongly against, set an example and show support.

Grayson looked up at the camera, tears soaking his eyes.

Grayson: But that wasn't the end of it. Turns out we were in the same hotel, I knocked on her door asking for more soap. Me seeing her again made my heart soar, I was beyond nervous. I  had the chance to make it up to her. I left there with her Instagram and butterflies in my stomach. We arranged to go out today. And the time we did spend together was the best. However It all went down hill when a fan shoved her out the way, it's not your guy's faults, I think Danni found it a bit unexpected.

He stared directly into the camera

Danni Please forgive me, I tried get to you but there were too many people. Danni you have to understand that I've only known you a day, I love my fans, I can't just leave them. Please be patient with me. Everyone you need to understand that Just being close to her made it impossible for me to be sad. She lit up my world. She is my world.

Grayson looked up to the ceiling  and grinned.

Grayson: I've barely known the girl barely a day and she's already ruined me.'

Ethan came running in the frame and jumped on gray.

Both: 'that's it guys!'
Ethan: 'I knowing was short and I wasn't really in this but we wanted to say there will be another video tomorrow like normal. I just wanted to say quickly happy birthday for tomorrow Danni!'
Gray: I hope this cleared it up for you all! Danni please get in contact'
Both: PEACE!!! 

'Ethan! I'm uploading the video. Come put it on snap chat with me' leaning over my shoulder I yelled at him.

'Coming dude'
Ethan came running up beside me snap chat already up on his phone.
' hey guys, we've uploaded!! There will be another one Tomorrow!' I clicked on story before saying the same on Ethan's. I turned off the Mac, not quite ready for the hate I was going to receive but this needed to be done.
I picked up my phone again and clicked onto Instagram. I created a group chat with both Danni's personal and her fan account

'Danni, please text or at least look at our new video. I need you, I've knocked on your door multiple times but you haven't answered.'
I got up and laid on my bed. My mind was all over the place, I just hoped to God Danni didn't do anything stupid.

This chapter is a lot shorter than the previous ones. Hope you're all enjoying xx please vote
-Grace xo

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