As fate would say*

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As soon as I arrived at our room, 103, I quickly stripped out of my white jeans before throwing them into a bag before putting back in my case, I did need shit on any more of my clothes. Deciding I didn't feel comfortable walking around in my underwear I grabbed the first things I saw from my case and chucked it on. Looking down I saw my  camo green tracksuit pants from miss guided that I got in the clearing sale and a Calvin Klein white floaty crop that Jess had given to me after she hit puberty and the top barely covered her boobs.

I grabbed my face wash from my bag and jogged over to the sink. While waiting for the water to warm up, I pulled up my honey blonde hair into a pony tail, pulling down strands to soften my face.  My hair was just past shoulder length and had a natural beach wave, most days I straightened it or if I really couldn't be bothered I would tie it up, it was a rare occasion if I let my hair natural, I just didn't think it suited me. After washing and towel drying my face, I ran and belly flopped onto my bed and grabbed my favourite book off the bed side table, 'PS I love You' has always been my comfort book, reading was a big passion of mine, although I often kept to supernatural books, none set my heart alight the way this book did.

Jess was sitting on the bed next to me with her legs crossed, she was typing away vigorously at her phone, I held back the grin, her stiletto nails were making it increasingly hard for her and I could tell by the hard look of concentration on her face.

'What you doin?' I tried to lean over to look at her phone, but me being clumsy leant too far and fell face forward off the bed.
'For fuccckkk sake, second time today' I rubbed my forehead where I caught it on the night stand.

She looked down at me unphased, Jess had come accustom to my clumsy behaviour over the years, unless I was knocked out cold or was in s fit of tears she brushed it off.
'I'm Just replying to some of our comments'
Looking over st me I could see the sky grin on her face. Unable to contain her excitement she squealed out her reply,

'We reached 100k!!'

I rose my hand to my mouth in an act of complete shock, once the news sank in I jumped on top of her giving her a huge bear hug. My heart soared, this was monumental for me, the account gave me an escapes, something to focus on in life. Wiping a tear from my eye I finally felt I had accomplished something in my life. To malt it may seem I'm over reacting but this account has been my anchor recently. Seeing all my friends and followers support me and the twins kept me from falling over the brink.

A brief knock on the door interrupted our celebration, I got up and basically skipped to the door, I vowed that nothing was going to ruin my mood. Curious to who would be at our door at this time I turned to Jess to ask if she'd ordered room service, a brief shake of her head was the most I was going to get. As there was no peep hole the only option was to open the door.

My heart caught in my throats and I suddenly was finding it hard to breath, to my complete and utter surprise no other than Grayson stood the other side of the threshold looking down at his phone, he hadn't noticed me yet and before I gave him the chance to I slammed the door in his face. I think it was more a move of panic than fear.

For a few moments I stood staring at the door in a daze, him knocking on the door again bought me out of my Grayson induced trance, turning on the balls of my feet I mouthed his name before sprinting and nearly cannon balling over Jesses bed in a sense of security.

She looked at me as if I was off my nut before getting up off the bed and sliding on her slippers as she walked over to the door, I'm sure she was walking at an average pace but in those moments it felt like she was going so incredibly slow. Not wanting to move from the security of the bed I peaked my head up above the duvet just so I was able to see their conversation.

~My Only~ (G.D & E.D)Where stories live. Discover now